Saturday, July 6, 2013

Father's Day and Weekend Getaway

We had a great Father's Day just spending time together. Jonah seriously has the greatest daddy. Sometimes I forget how incredible he really is. He's caring, loving, FUN, helpful, and just everything I could ever ask for. Jonah has so much fun whenever Daddy is around, especially if they are in the floor together wrestling. We would be totally lost without him!!!

 Jonah also has an amazing Poppy. I didn't know how much my dad would just love this little guy until he got here. And especially now that he's growing and playing more. He always says how "awesome" Jonah is. Well, he's right of course. I love my daddy to pieces and I'm so glad that he is in Jonah's life.

We decided a while back to take a weekend trip to Stone Mountain. It seriously was so much fun. Quite hot, but quite fun. There was so much for us to do, even with the little kids.

This was our setup at the laser light show. We were there seriously 2 1/2 hrs early. 

The kids played ball for so long. We had a nice spot, so they had a lot of room to just run around and be kids :)


Hims was so tired. He didn't make it through the entire show!
I love this picture of my sweet boys. Jonah refuses to sleep in his pack-n-play, especially with us being in the same room. He snuggled in the bed with us instead. I'm not a fan of making this a habit, but it is really sweet to cuddle with him.

This was actually when we first got there. We were waiting on our rooms to be ready and found this precious playground. This kids loved it!

 We rode up to the top of Stone Mountain one morning. It was really neat, but the car had no AC. We went in the morning, so it wasn't so hot. Can't imagine that car in 100 degree weather!
J loved the view

They also had a butterfly house where you could use your "double ended feeding stick" (aka q-tip) to get a close up view. J thought they were getting his mommy...he wasn't too sure what to do. 

Precious little color wall. J did his best :)

This was the little village at the base of the mountain where all the activities were. So cute!

One afternoon we decided to visit this plantation (also in the park). We were surprised at how much we enjoyed it. It's really neat to see how the houses and rooms were a long time ago.  

They had a petting farm on the plantation, too. J actually really enjoyed petting them! 

Do you see this thing???


What a view to have in your backyard!

It started raining so we rushed into the Big Barn (or something like that). It was a madhouse! Tons of fun for kids, though.

Love these kiddos to bits and pieces!!!

Our hotel had a really nice pool that was really needed on those hot days! 

Nobody knew I was taking this, but it's one of my fav pics from the trip. It shows how much fun we had and how our family really is when you get down to it :) Sometimes crazy, stressful, wild, loud...but we have so much love!!! Cheesy, but true!

J wanted so badly to play in the baby pool, but honestly, faceplanted a couple of times and scared me a little. Solution...float in the baby pool. He could still touch the bottom and run all over. Perfection!

We really had such a good time together. I love taking trips with the whole gang. Never a dull moment and lots of great memories made. I'm so glad our kids can have fun together and really grow up together. It's something very special :) 

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