Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My baby is 2 months old!!!


I can't believe I am saying this, but Jonah is now 2 months old, in daycare, and smiling and "talking" ALL the time! It is so amazing to me how quickly he is growing. He went from a little blob of a thing to this tiny person with such personality. So last week, he started daycare. It was really hard the first few days, especially because we both work about 50 minutes away from him. It's hard to leave my baby in the care of someone I don't know. I was most upset about someone else holding him while he took his bottle and he would stare at them like he stares at me, or him smiling like he does at me but to someone else, or missing things like him rolling over. He is playing so much more now. It's hard not to be the one playing in the floor with him all day. That being said, it was really nice to get back to work. I really like the people that I work with, and it was great to have adult conversations. I do so much baby talk with Jonah B, it was nice to be a grownup again. I still miss him like crazy, but it's getting better each day.
  Last Friday, he had his 2 month checkup with Dr. Bill. He was 12lbs 11oz and 23 1/8 in long. He is 65% for weight and 70% for height. I am so happy that he is such a healthy little boy! We tried to go without giving him his Zantac, just to see if he could stop taking it. He did NOT like it! It looks like we need to keep taking the Zantac a little longer. We asked about his belly button. It is still very much of an outie. Dr. Bill said it might take a few months to a year to correct, but it should correct on its own. He was wide awake and a happy little camper...until....it came time for his shots :( He got Dtap, HIB, Polio, Prevnar, and Rota. It was SO sad! I do that everyday at the office, but it is so much harder to be on the other end. He just screamed and cried. I held him so tight after it was over. He ended up falling asleep after a few minutes and actually slept most of the day Friday and Saturday. I don't think he felt very good. He had a low grade fever, but it didn't get above 100.6. He had to get a couple doses of Tylenol, though. We were a little worried on Saturday since all he wanted to do was sleep. He didn't eat like he normally does either. He also didn't poop for a couple of days. He grunted a lot and seemed like he was working hard on something. Not sure if it was related to the shots, but it was pretty sad. By Sunday he was all better and back to his happy precious self. Oh, I forgot, after his shots we went to get him a new toy! His Great Granny Jo sent him some money to get something fun, so we thought it was the perfect time. He got a playmat that has toys and a mirror hanging from above and a piano at this feet. He has been kicking so much, so this was the perfect toy for him. He kicks the piano keys and it makes noise and plays music. He absolutely LOVES this toy. It seriously will entertain him for an hour, which is very hard to do. I am so excited to see what Jonah is going to do next. We are getting into the fun stage for sure. He is going to start "talking" even more and rolling over really soon. He is already sleeping at least 6-7hrs at night, so that's about as good as I can hope for, but that might even get longer :) I love my sweetums so very much!!!!!!

Jonah B's new toy after getting his shots!!!

Booboos :(

Jonah's first day of school!!! He did so good. His teacher's name is Mrs. Debbie. She is so sweet to him. He likes to go for stroller rides and play on his play mat at school.

Mommy did not want to leave Jonah B!!!

Off to school and very excited about it!
This is one of his all-time favorite things to do. We have been going for a walk every night. He loves to look around at the trees and the sky and hear the birds chirping. Jonah is definitely an outdoor boy!

This was one morning when I went to get him out of bed. He was so happy! He had just slept for like 8 hrs and was in a very good mood.
Another very important thing that I forgot to mention was that Derek had his first Father's Day on Sunday! We went to church with the whole fam, then came back to the house to grill some yummy ribs! I am so thankful that Derek is in our life. He is the greatest Daddy for Jonah that I could ever imagine. We are truly blessed to have such a strong, funny, Godly, caring, and smart person as the head of our family. Jonah is one lucky little boy!
Derek with Baby J on his first Father's Day!!!
The greatest men (and baby boy) in my life!!!

Our little family :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jonah lately...

I can't believe my baby is 7wks old today! I was watching some videos we took at the hospital when he was born. It feels like it all just happened, but it's been almost 2 months ago. I never really knew what people meant when they said it flies by, but it sure does! This is the start of my last week home with JB. I am suppose to start back to work next week. I don't know how I'm gonna handle it. I'm already sad, and I've got a whole week left with him. He is my best little buddy, and I can't imagine what I will do with myself when I'm away from him all day. We'll just see how that goes. We have just been enjoying our little guy lately. Yesterday we spent the day across town doing a little shopping. In the afternoon, it felt so good outside that I decided to take him to Black Creek park and lay out on a blanket and just enjoy the day. He seems to REALLY like being outside. He's just so content and happy outside. I've got a real boy on my hands :) We had a lot of fun just playing. Oh, that reminds me...Jonah is actually starting to play! He usually just stares at his toys or doesn't even pay attention to them at all. But  yesterday, he was staring at his little giraffe toy hanging above him, and he was just reaching and punching the toys. He loved it! I was so proud. It doesn't take much. He is also beginning to take shorter naps during the day and sleeping longer at night, thank God! We have all been sleeping better at night. He usually will wake up just once during the night to eat. Problem is, when he wakes up, he's up for 2 hours. He can't seem to get back to sleep. On a good note, we seem to have fixed whatever was wrong with his tummy. He's been taking his Zantac twice a day, and we decided to switch him back to Sim Sensitive ready-made. He didn't seem to appreciate the powder formula. I don't blame him, though. It looked
and smelled kinda gross.
Switching gears now...we went to church this morning, and I really enjoyed what Pastor Kevin preached about today. This week starts VBS, so he wanted to talk about children and how they are to be looked at, thought of, and raised up. The verses he spoke from were Matthew 19:13-15. "Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.' And he laid his hands on them and went away." Pastor Kevin reminded us to keep our children in church. Bring them up going to church, hearing the word of God, making friends in the church, and giving their life to him at a young age. This is one thing that I worry about the most. I know that I can do all these things, but that's the best I can do. I pray that Jonah will accept Jesus in his heart at a young age and love our church and the people in it as much as Derek and I do. Another thing that he said was that God loves our children so much more than we do. This really spoke to me, because I love this kid with every tiny bit of my heart and soul. I can't imagine loving anything more, but God does. I'm not even capable of that much love, but I sure do try :) Ok, off my soapbox now. Here are some precious pics of my angel boy lately...

First time in his bumbo...such a big boy!

First play time in his jumparoo!

We had to rig it a little, but he loved it!

Fun day at the park!

Muscle man :)

Love my sweet baby!!!