Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weeks 30 & 31

So, I'm apparently not the best blogger, because I have gotten myself a week behind. I'm currently 31 weeks, but I have to give some 30wk updates.

 First of all, we had a doctor's appointment and had a 4D ultrasound. It absolutely amazes me how we are able to see our sweet boy while he is in my belly! We could see him yawn, and....well....that's about it! It was early in the morning, and I hadn't had any caffeine yet, so he was still sleeping and would not do anything other than sleep and yawn. We tried to use a belly buzzer thing to wake him up, but...nothing. Tried to roll over on each side, but...nothing. LoL! He was just so cozy that he didn't want to move! That's ok though. We got a few good pics and are having a repeat 4D in 2 weeks at our next appointment. The rest of the appointment went well. He is measuring in at around 3 1/2 lbs!!! Big boy :)
I see nothing but Derek in this picture. His mouth and his little chin. Loves him!!!

One of the 18 yawns we got from him :) He was so sleepy!

Moving on to nursery decor! We FINALLY got the last piece of furniture delivered and put together. Other than a bookshelf, we are done with Jonah B's nursery! I am so happy with how everything turned out. It's just so much fun. I could spend all my time in his sweet sweet room. Here are some pics.......

I love baby shoes!

It's a sickness...I can't stop shopping!

 We are now at 31 weeks!!! And the biggest development...Kinley Dallas made her debut this morning, Sunday Feb. 26, at 5:14am. She was 8lbs 15oz and 21in long. She is so beautiful! She has a head full of hair and hardly ever cried today. When she did, it was this pitiful little whiny cry with her bottom lip poked out! She is already working her Nic Nic!!! We all love her so much already, especially Dylan. He wanted to keep holding her and help feed her and dress her. It was the sweetest thing. He wanted to be involved in every way. Ashley looked great and seemed to feel pretty good. I hope things go as smoothly with me as they seemed to go with her. Here are some Kiwi pics!
This was the first time we saw her. She was going to town sucking on her finger! So cute!!!

Kinley Dallas Eaton

My sweet angel babies!

D was obsessed with his little sissy!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 28

We've been up to quite a lot lately. This past weekend, I was going non-stop. I got another craft idea from pinterest and went at it. Jonah needed letters above his bed, and since the crib is against such a large wall, we needed some more decoration. I bought wooden circles and hot glued fabric to them. There might have been an incident with the hot glue. I ended up burning my thumb and middle finger on some lava-like hot glue. It made two pretty big blisters! It's pretty sad that I can't get through a craft project without an injury. But, in the end, the wall turned out just the way I imagined. No gain!

I feel pretty good this week. Just feeling very large. We went to the doctor this morning and everything turned out fine! I only gained 3lbs this time, which makes me feel really good. They said I passed my glucose test from last appt, but it also showed that I'm close to having low iron. I just need to start taking an iron supplement I guess. We listened to Jonah's sweet sweet heartbeat. I just love hearing that baby's heart beating strong in there. I go back in 2 weeks and we get our 4D ultrasound!!!! Totally can't wait for that appointment! I want to see my little chunky monkey again!!!

Total weight gain/loss? 28lbs unfortunately
Maternity clothes? totally...can't wear my other clothes

Sleep? Most nights I seem to toss and turn

Best moment this week? Getting his name and decor above the crib done. I worked so hard!

Movement? Like CRAZY! I feel him all the time. He is really liking my right side underneath my ribs. It feels really weird!

Food cravings? Not much. I seem to be really liking orange juice lately though.

Belly button in/out? In

What I miss: Being able to bend over without grunting

What I am looking forward to: My 4D ultrasound in 2 weeks!!!

Milestones: 3rd trimester...woohoooo!