Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Fun

Today we went to 4D Family Farm in Hanceville so Baby J could have some fun at the pumpkin patch! We haven't been to this one before. I wanted to try something new, and they seemed like they had a lot for Jonah to do, so we tried it. It was so much fun! Derek actually told me numerous times that he had a great time and loved watching Squish enjoy himself so much. That is why we do these things, is it not?
The first thing we went to was this mini hay maze. Derek would stand in the corner and Jonah would go "find" him. Then I would do the same. He thought it was hilarious! (see picture below)

This makes my heart beyond happy. I would do anything to get a smile like this out of that baby :)

The only way to get him out of the maze was to tell him there were animals nearby. He ran all the way over there saying "nee nee" (for horse).  

I love the way he says rabbit almost, if not, perfectly.

"Titty" lol

He was letting me know there was a "dogdie" coming up behind me!

Farm chores...the utters actually would squirt water! HA!

Really neat corn box. He had a hard time walking around in it, but he made it work. 

I'm having a BLAST mommy!!!

I might have liked it, too :)

We were so proud of him riding this cow train by himself. You'll see in the pic below that some of the parents were riding with the kids. Jonah said "strap me in, I'll be fine"!

His cheeks were so jiggly :)

Jonah and Daddy rode the giant slide a few times. Daddy enjoyed it even more than Jonah did!


Of course, he had to find himself a stick.

Got the perfect pumpkin!

<3 these two!

Jonah was snacking in this pic. Fun fact...the man than took this picture told us it was his 39th Wedding anniversary today. He gave Derek some sound what you're told! Hahaha

Follow me...I see the exit!

This was such a fun little place. Love the crooked barn

Our Fall decor...notice the Daddy, Mommy, and Baby J pumpkins :) 

We seriously had a blast today and can't stop talking about how much fun it was just hanging out with J. We love to make him happy and he was sure happy today. I'm sitting here typing this watching him sleep. He went right to bed tonight and hasn't made a peep since. He was exhausted! Another perk of these fun outings. Looking forward to what's next for our little family!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

20 weeks and 18 months

I decided to combine mine and J's updates this time. Just easier that way :) Well, I am 20 weeks along with baby Fisher Cole!!! Halfway there...can't believe it. It's really flying by. Probably because I am busy with J so I don't think about and anticipate as much as I did. Here's a quiz update...

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 12 lbs

Sleep: Pretty good. I fall asleep easy and most of the time wake up on my back. That will be a big no-no pretty soon, so I'm trying to train myself to sleep on my sides. It's not working well. I broke out the big prego pillow a couple weeks ago and LOVE it!

Best moment this week: Getting the "all clear" at our 20wk ultrasound and getting started on Fisher's nursery (see below)

Movement: I feel him a lot more now. It's the tiniest little flutter, but it's there. He really "kicks" it in gear when I sing or read to J. I think he likes it :)

Symptoms: Heartburn and back pain. Less back pain when me and Jonah go to Mommy and Me and get our exercise on!

Food cravings: Today I might have indulged in an Edgar's strawberry cupcake, thanks to Derek. Freakin delish!!!  

Belly Button in or out? In but starting to push out a little on the top. Belly is getting bigger!

What I miss: Caffeine...lots of it!

What I am looking forward to: Getting all of Fisher's furniture together and getting closer to finishing his room.

So today was our big ultrasound. I was nervous, but Derek was down right panicked. It'll make anyone freaked out when they hit the major zoom on baby's brain and heart. She was spending a lot of time on the heart so I just asked her if everything was ok. She said it looked fine, she just had to get the right angle. Everything went great! He weighs around 12 oz (double from 4 weeks ago). We didn't get a length but the updates say about 6.5 in is the norm for this time. He was kicking and squirming around. Must be a morning baby :) Jonah behaved very well because we waited until we got there to feed him breakfast. That occupied him for a while! Here are some pictures of baby Fisher!!!

No question about that!!!

We started working in Fisher's room over the weekend. We kinda got on a roll and couldn't stop. I would rather kick in high gear now and get the big stuff done before I run out of energy. 

Derek spent so much time preparing and painting his room. We wanted it to be perfect :)

Jonah was so cute running up to the radio and "dancing" (waiving his arms around in the air saying "mumu" for music). I so <3 that boy!

I was below this masterpiece painting the trim. Derek decided to do his own decorating.

Coming along nicely, I think! 


Baby son is 18 months old! Time, PLEASE slow down! He's such an amazing little boy. Words just do not do him justice, at all. He's so smart, sweet, loving, hilarious (he cracks himself up, too), and very interesting to just watch. We love getting him to do his animal sounds, especially cat. He closes his eyes and scrunches his nose to get that high-pitched mowwww! He knows cat, dog, lion, snake, horse, cow, bird, duck, monkey, bear (same as lion), and probably more I just can't think of anymore. He has also learned to say rabbit and it the cutest thing! He says it almost perfectly...wabbit. Sweetness! He knows his eyes, nose, ears, mouth, head, hair, chin, tummy, hands, fingers, knees, feet, and toes. He still loves to read more than anything. Today, we seriously read about 10 books in a row. We are amazed at how much he understands that we are saying. He really is a sponge soaking up everything around him. He loves to rough house with Daddy, but also loves to cuddle and kiss his mommy :) He goes to bed so easily and sleeps great. He eats pretty much anything, but has cut back on the amount. On our scale at home, he weighs 26.8 lbs with clothes on. He's in 18-24mo clothes and size 5-6 in shoes. He is definitely getting an attitude coming on. He throws himself into the floor, does this dead weight move when you try to pick him up, and loves the phrase "NO NO". He's a feisty little thing, but we love him beyond words!

Crazy hair and angel face :)

I've been doing more art projects with him. He likes it for the most part. He's not too fond of glue, though. 

Got this beautiful quilt made from his first year outfits. I was more than pleased with how it turned out. It starts out with the first outfit he ever wore and ends with his 1st birthday shirt. Some other special pieces are the AL coming home shirt, nickname burp cloth, first day of daycare outfit, and the owl Halloween costume. I'm planning on hanging this on his wall in his room. I'm pretty sure I will have to fight his future wifey for custody of this quilt. It's just so special, I can't stand it!

Ok, so I bought this rocker at Kids Market this weekend. We're going with a Safari theme in Fisher's room and I thought this was a giraffe. These things are $75 and up new, so getting it for $20 was huge! When I got home, my entire family informed me that it was in fact a cow. Whatever, I give up. At least Jonah likes it!

I love my Jonah Brandon so much it hurts sometimes. He is my little sweet sweet! I'm so proud to be his mommy :) Jonah, you truly are my sunshine!!!