Tuesday, November 22, 2011

17 week Q&A

I've gotta give credit...I stole this from my sis-in-law, Ashley. I thought it was really cute and a fun thing to do so here we go...

Total weight gain/loss?9lbs

Maternity clothes? Mostly in pants, but a mix of regular/maternity tops 

Sleep? I wake up around 3:00 every  morning like clockwork to go potty, but can usually go back to sleep pretty easily.

Best moment this week? Finding out for sure that my angel is a little boy and is growing big and healthy.

Movement? I've seen squirming on the ultrasounds, but I can't feel it yet :(  

Food cravings? Salty foods and anything in buffalo sauce. 

Belly button in/out? In 

What I miss: Drinking more sweet tea than I am allowed now 

What I am looking forward to: Feeling my baby kicking and getting the nursery painted.

Milestones: 3 weeks away from halfway there!!!

*It's A Boy*

A lot has been going on lately. Yesterday, we had our 17 week checkup at the doctor. Dr. Benton said that everything was looking good! I have gained 3lbs since my last checkup, my blood pressure was great, and the heartbeat was strong and beautiful. I did tell Dr. Benton about my headaches I've been having. Saturday I had a migraine when I woke up that lasted a few hours. The rest of the day I just had a pounding annoying headache that Tylenol, food, caffeine, or water wouldn't help. She said that unfortunately that's normal and there's not always something that will help it. It just has to run it's course. Today (Tuesday) was our ultrasound to confirm what we "think" we already know. At our 13 week ultrasound, we thought it was a boy. We were pretty sure, but I had to be certain. Well, we are definitely having a boy! He was not shy AT ALL! We got some pretty good pics for proof. He just looks so cute. It appears he might have my little flip nose. I love it!!! They said he weighs about 7oz right now. His heartbeat was around 153. All is well :)
We made the big announcement to everyone, and we have gotten back so much positive feedback. It's really nice to have so many supportive people and sweet friends in my life. Our next checkup will be at 20 weeks. It's a pretty big one, too. They will do another ultrasound to check all of the organs closely and make sure they are forming correctly. I'm very nervous and just hope and pray that all will come out normal and healthy. Can't wait to see my little man again! Here are the pictures from today...
He's got four fingers up to his lips about to stick them in his mouth!
Sweet baby sucking that thumb already

I think he has my nose in this picture.

Yeah, there no arguing with that! lol