Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Fisher Cole!

Well, Fisherman is ONE! I was thinking the night before his birthday that I'm just somehow not sad that he's a year old. I guess it's because I've been able to spend so much time with him over the past year, and I feel like I've seen him grow and do new things. I don't feel cheated. It's been stressful at times, but I've absolutely loved being around so much. Thanks to Derek and his amazing hard work for allowing me to be a (mostly) SAHM!

Sweet Birthday Invites...Our theme was "My, how time flies!"

Then came SMASH CAKE!
(made by me!) 

My favorite of the bunch. How sweet is his little smile and faux-hawk ;)

Sweet man! He preferred the actual cake over the icing, though.

Next came his BIRTHDAY!!!

Sweet boy having his birthday breakfast of waffles and strawberries! However...he ended up spending his birthday with a stomach bug :( It was sad, but he wasn't just miserable. Thankfully, he was all better a couple days later and ready for...


I was SO glad the kids liked painting their airplanes. I tried to come up with something for them to do, just in case the weather didn't allow for outside play. It ended up being a beautiful day, so they got to play outside and paint!

J took his work very seriously :)

So did Fisherman!

Kissers for my Birthday Boy!

We asked our guests to bring books or puzzles instead of toys. Most of them did, and it was so sweet! Some wrote messages in the books to Fisher. He loves books, and we have read his new ones many times since his party!

Always have to have a crazy cousins shoot...

It was such a fun day celebrating our Fisher with sweet family. We had such a great time, and I loved seeing Fisher enjoy himself :)