Monday, July 13, 2015

Jonah and Mommy's first VBS

Jonah B got to participate in his very first VBS this summer! He is actually a year too young, but I volunteered, so he was able to be in the class with me. He started in my room, then rotated around to other rooms. He did so good and was such a big boy the whole week! Proud Mommy moment :)

I really enjoyed teaching the Bible stories and will most likely do it again next year. It was so much fun to see the kids come in each day and remember what they learned the day before. Of course, the stickers were a huge bargaining tool ;) 
God will help you know what to do! 

Fisher 15-ish month Update

Truth be told...he's a little over 16 months at this point. Woops! Life has been sweetly busy this summer. We've spent a lot of time together and had some fun making memories.

*23# 14oz and 32in long

*In 18mo clothes and size 4 diapers
*Naps twice a day and sleeps through the night
*Eats like a little piggy and loves milk. Fav foods are fruits, sweet potatoes, veggie chips, goldfish, teddy grahams, and pancakes
*Has just a few words...dada, mama (occasionally!), uh-oh, nonna (for Nonny), and just recently No-No!
*Points to his head, ear, nose, mouth, tummy, and feet
*Loves to read, wrestle with Daddy and Jonah, and do pretty much anything outside
*Loves to ride in the Malibu with the guys! Brubby, what does the Malibu say? ruuum-ruuuum!
*Howls and pants like a dog
*Throws tantrums like a pro!
*Snuggles with Cubby every night
*Loves watching Paw Patrol with J
*Gives kisses and big sweet hugs :)

Oh my sweet are so full of life and love. I can tell you are going to be a very strong-willed little boy, and I will surely have my hands full. Like your mommy, you are just "passionate". I love watching you learn and grow. You make me so proud to me your mommy! I love you like crazy, little Fisherman!!!