Monday, November 23, 2015


Miss Emery Jane Yarbrough
Oh, how excited I am to put a name with this sweet baby! I have truly felt for the past few weeks that this baby HAD to be a girl, for many reasons...I was nauseous in the evenings this time (boys were in the morning), I've had cravings for fruits, vegetables, and just overall lighter foods (boys were heavy, starchy, fattening foods), and our top 3 baby boy names were all taken in the past 2 months! So, we went for an ultrasound at 16.5 weeks. The whole time, baby girl was sitting on her foot, so we had a hard time getting a clear view. But with every view we got, I could tell a big difference from the boys' ultrasounds. I just knew it. She said "Ok, are y'all ready?" She pushed a button that popped up the phrase "It's a boy" on the screen. It was only up there for a split second, but I saw that first and was so confused! I was thinking...where??? But by the time I looked back at the screen, she had switched it over and the sweet words "It's a girl" were up there! I screamed and sat up on the table, grabbed her arm and kept asking if it was really a girl, and about lunged off the table to hug Derek! We didn't take Jonah with us, because he couldn't be trusted to keep the secret. Sweet Brubby was just sitting in a chair playing with his tablet, ha! Thankfully, we only had to keep it a secret until the next day when we went up to Huntsville to share!

I told J before we opened the box that there would be either blue or pink balloons. He said he thought they would be pink for a little sister...he has guessed right all along! He was so sweetly excited and was happy to tell everyone what her name is :) Of course, Nonny was so excited, too! It was a really sweet moment, and I'm so glad we did it this way. Mom and I might have gone shopping just a tad later that afternoon. Sweet Emmy Jane needs everything!

I'm 17 weeks now, so it's about time for another update....

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gain of 6 pounds
Sleep: Pretty good, just a couple potty breaks
Best moment this week: duh!!!
Movement: I think I have felt a couple twitches, especially when I'm kinda hunched over
Symptoms: Nausea is pretty much gone, heartburn isn't as bad, still get tired easily
Food cravings: Lighter foods, fresh fruit
Food aversions: Hamburger meat seems awful to me right now
Gender: GIRL!!!
Belly Button in or out? In, but I can tell it's starting to make it's way out
What I miss: Still gonna have to go with the caffeine
What I am looking forward to: Just relaxing until our 20 week ultrasound in about 3 1/2 weeks
Weekly Wisdom: Eating really light for dinner can result in a mad rush for breakfast the next morning!

My sweet sweet Emery, I'm so happy to know you. I can't wait to hold you and kiss you and put sweet little bows on your head! I daydream about little girly clothes and toys, dance, cheerleading, pageants, and how your brothers are gonna act with you. This is a new adventure for us, and we are so so happy to be on it. Your Daddy is already feeling protective and just "different" towards you. I really can't wait to see him with you. I think you are just going to change his world. We love you so much and can't believe you are really ours!!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Halloween and All That Goes With

It is fall and it is wonderful! I love the cool crisp air, the leaves falling, football (in small doses), and everything that goes along with fall holidays. I'm pretty much a sucker for anything that makes my kids smile. This time of year, there's oh so much that does that!

4D Family Farm
I love this sweet pumpkin patch. It's got so much for the kids to do, and it's all close together. That being said, it has become SO popular and was packed out. We even went on a Sunday afternoon early October. I thought we would be fine, but there were so many people there. We still had a great time, though.

Funny story...The kid in the gray shirt looked SO familiar when I saw this pic. I realized the next week at work that it was Bretta's (nurse at GVP) son. Somehow I didn't run into her, but got a pic of her child, ha!

J LOVES Spookley the Square Pumpkin. It's a cute little short movie that comes on Disney. He was excited to see Spookley at the pumpkin patch.

D took Fisher down the slide a hand-full of times. He's so sweet to help out :)

Fisher was waving his hand and saying "awww" because the horse pooped!

J with Oreo. He rode it all by himself. Like some kind of big boy.

Fisher loved Cinnamon! He had the best time. He would just giggle going around in circles.

Oh, the favorite for everyone. We got to feed and love on the sweetest sheep and goats I have ever met. Pretty sure Fisher would have been perfectly happy if we took one home.

They were so gentle. Fisher actually got about 4 fingers in the goat's mouth right after this pic. Didn't bother him at all, ha!

Love my pumpkins!!!

PLC Party
Sweet preschool parties! I missed this party (so sadly) because I was at a doctor's appointment checking on our sweet little baby. Thankfully, Derek was able to go! Jonah had such a good time.
How sweet is his little class?!

Oh, my heart...Baylee's mom took this pic and said that if they really do get married one day, like Baylee says they are, this will be a sweet picture to have. Praying together at a young age :) Jonah is OBSESSED with his Baywee Cwok (Baylee Clark). She is definitely his first girlfriend. It's adorable, but I'm already a very jealous Mommy!

Fisher and I were just "thrilled" to be missing the party :( 

Jonah's fall school pics! He is so handsome, in my opinion :)

Happy Halloween!!!

"Our Story"

Oh, the sweetness! J picked out what he wanted to be all by himself. 

We went to a Sunday school party the night before Halloween. I didn't take not one pic...shocking...I know. But we all dressed up and the kids ran around like crazy, having a great time. On Halloween, we went to a sweet friend's birthday party. Of course, the boys loved that.

Fisher and Miss Evan playing house :)

We went to Uncle Jeff's church for their fall festival. Because of the rain, it got moved indoors. The boys played a few games and won some candy.  

We also watched a short little puppet show with Ellie and Maddie :)

Next up was GFBC's fall festival. We got in about 30 minutes before the downpour... 
Oh Brubbs...always full of fun! He really did enjoy this. Just wasn't sure about it at first.

Love my sweet Buzz and Woody!

We decided to not let the rain stop us. Jonah was so excited about trick or treating for the first time. He had been practicing and everything! Momma took that baby trick or treating! We went to about 8 houses, I guess. Just enough to say we did it! He didn't want to say anything at the first house, but he figured it out really quick and was a pro in no time. Brubbs sat in the van with Daddy watching Cars :) 

After getting soaked, we went back to the cousins' house to hang out and watch for trick-or-treaters...

Other randoms...
The boys had a play date at the zoo with Rhett, one of their favs! I wanted to see all of the stuff set up for Boo at the Zoo without actually going to Boo at the Zoo. It was not very good last year, for us anyways. This was just perfect :)

Oh J and his love for Pete the Cat

The man in the goofy safari costume in the back is Paul Finebaum. He was filming a segment for game day that week. Kinda neat running into a "celebrity" at the elephant exhibit, ha!

We had a family paint night that was a blast! I love paint parties now. It's so fun to see how everyone's turns out. 


How my boys watch football

Baby J can write his name! He's just wonderful ;)

My poor Fisherman is still getting over some nasty pneumonia. He had been sick for about a week, got better (or so I thought) then sick again. Turns out, it was just brewing the whole time. He got a fever one night, and the next morning, I noticed he was breathing heavy and fast. I looked closer, and he was wheezing and retracting. I knew we had to go in asap. We got to the office and his O2 sat was 90%...yikes! He had 3 treatments in the office, oral steroids, antibiotic shot, and went home on 2 antibiotics and breathing treatments every 3 hours. We were there almost 4 hours trying to avoid going to the ER. He improved and sats when up to 94%. Not great, but better. The scariest thing is that I had no idea he was that sick. He wasn't fussy, slept great, and was running around playing. If he wasn't laying naked on the changing table, I don't know if I would've noticed the breathing stuff. I like to think I would, but who knows. I'm gonna have to watch this one closely!
First treatment...raging! 

3rd treatment...chowing on a doughnut :)

He's pretty much a pro now!

Library dress-up fun!

Fisher's first professional haircut! He did great and looked super handsome afterwards :)


This was a little while back, but I love this sweet pic. These dolls are best buddies, and I just hope they stay that way forever! Mommy/NicNic loves you!!!

We've got some more exciting things coming up. Most exciting is finding out the gender of this little nugget! I'm now convinced that it HAS to be a girl. My last 2 pregnancies all I could think about was boy stuff...names, nurseries, clothes. This time, it's all girl! Plus, our top 3 boy names have all been taken within the past couple of months. I'm convinced there is nothing good left. However, our girl name is perfect and I already have the perfect nursery idea. Only God knows at this point, but I can't wait to know what he knows :) Less than 2 weeks to go!