Monday, June 13, 2016

Emmy 1 Month (and other shenanigans)

Our sweet sister girl is a month old! Actually, she's almost 6 weeks now :) Oh, she's just the sweetest little thing! At 1 month old, she weighed 9# 15oz! Growing so big and strong! She sleeps through the night almost every night. She will go to sleep anywhere between 8-10 and sleep until around 5 or 5:30. She is really starting to like her playmat and even "talks" to her toys and smiles at herself in the mirror! Speaking of smiles, we have been getting more and more of them. Usually, we see them in the morning after she has eaten for the first time. She's a morning baby, just like her momma :) She has outgrown most of her NB clothes, but some of the 3 month stuff is too big. She's lost a little bit of hair up front, but still has a pretty head full of dark hair. Her eyes are still pretty dark. We can't tell what color they are gonna be just yet. We hear all the time that she looks like Daddy. Apparently, she's not gonna look anything like me! That's ok, she's my pretty pretty princess girl! We call her Emmy, Emmy Jane, Ems, Sister girl, and E-eem (Fisher). We just love you so much sweet thing!

In other news...
J is all done with 3K! He learned so much this year and had the sweetest teachers! We're excited, because he will have the same teacher (Ms. Laura) next year :) He loves her!

Sweet friends (plus big boy Brubby) at the CFA end of the year party!

Daddy taught the boys how to do a "car show" like he did as a little boy

<3 <3 <3 

Daddy and the boys went on an adventure one afternoon so me and Emmy could rest. They just love being outside, no matter what they are doing. But, who doesn't love throwing rocks in the water?

Sister gets so much lovin...

Daddy's first time feeding Emmy girl! I'm able to pump a good bit in the mornings (thanks to Emmy sleeping through the night!), so Daddy is able to feed her sometimes. 

Oh, so learned something new. Brubby does NOT like Elefun :( 

Sister's first day at church!!! She did really good and just slept the whole time :)

Pretty ladybug at 3 weeks old!

Our first shopping trip together :)

I've really been trying to keep the boys busy lately. I feel a little guilty that I have to spend so much time focusing on baby sister, so I really want to show them that we can still all have fun together! I want to make sure they still feel special, too :) We go to the park or splash pad or sometimes the library. Just anything to get out of the house!

The first thing Brubby wants to do in the mornings is kiss his E-eem!

Look at those arms <3

Sweet girl just does not like bath time. We did get in together one day, and she did much better. It was a little difficult, though!

Our first meal out all together! Full Moon :) What's funny is that the first meal with J and Brubby was Jim n Nicks. Apparently, I have a postpartum thing for BBQ!

After a long night's sleep, Miss Emmy had to get her stretch on!

Oh the pool!!! We are wearing it out already. The boys waited so long and asked so many times when we could go. Well, it was worth the wait. They have to best time. Me and Ems are just sitting out for now. Poor Daddy gets his workout keeping up with the boys!

Hers had to look the part even if she didn't get it ;) 

Ok, so nursing is seriously going beautifully! I'm not big on exposure, but I needed just one pic to document our journey. I just love when she lays her hand ever so sweetly on me. Sometimes those nails tend to dig in a little, and that's not so sweet, but overall such sweetness! It really is very rewarding to see her growing and knowing that it's all me! I see why people rave about it now ;) 

We took a trip to see Daddy and his work friends! The kids love JHA!

Mommy escaped one afternoon to have some fun with the Ewes girls <3 

On Memorial Day, we had a fun picnic with our Sunday school class. I just love being around them. They are such great people with great kids for our kids to grow up with. We "rented" Camp David for the day and had a great time! It was pretty hot and we were all pretty skanky by the time we got home, but it was so fun to watch the boys have a good time just being boys :)

Morning love for our sister girl!

Splash pad fun!

We've been trying out naps in our big girl bed! Usually just once a day. She'll sleep about an hour or so. We'll be transitioning to the bed overnight before too long!

Nonny's first time feeding baby girl!

We had a family celebration for Daddy turning 30!!! 

VBS Submerged!
I heard Jonah had a great time, but refused to do any of the singing/dancing. That's our J! Haha! 

Got us a new carrier, and we love it! Lillebaby All Seasons <3 

Finally got a pic of one of my kids with Dr. Benton! I honestly just haven't thought about it before. She delivered Fisher and Emmy girl (although sister was too fascinated by the light to look at the camera, ha!)

The many faces of Emmy Jane: 

My angel girl <3 <3 <3

Daddy tried out the carrier just last night and managed to cook tacos so Mommy could go play with the boys! Thanks babe :)

Ok, so I sad earlier that Emmy does not like her bath time. Well, I think we've finally fixed that issue. I got a new tub (Puj tub) and tried the bath in the morning right after she got a full tummy. Success! We had about 15 minutes of happy, smiling, singing, relaxing, and NO crying! Woohoo!!! Bath is suppose to be a sweet bonding time, but it was NOT up until now. So happy :)  

Such handsome big brothers after church! Love you boys like crazy!!!