Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's Official!

We had our first doctor's appointment today, and it could not have gone any better. I was so nervous, but Dr. Benton was so sweet and made me feel really comfortable. We started out by sitting with her in her office and just talking about a few things, then came the exam, ultrasound, blood work, etc... When it came time for the ultrasound, we were really excited. Finally being able to see baby on that monitor just took my breath away. They turned on the sound and we got to hear the heartbeat! It was by far the most amazing thing I have ever heard in my life. I immediately started crying. I could see the tiny little heartbeat in the middle of the baby blob on the screen. It was such a special moment for me and Derek. The US tech said that baby's heart rate was 176 and strong. She said that was really good. We got a few printouts but this one is my fav...
I love how you can actually see the little arm and leg nubs! My sis-in-law called it a little gummy bear which was hilarious to me!
I am a terrible secret-keeper, so I totally spilled the beans and made it facebook official this afternoon. I just couldn't keep it in anymore. We were on cloud 9 after this appointment and I needed to share my excitement with the world! I am now 8wks and 2 days. My due date is April 29, 2012. Please let this day come soon!!!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Start Spreading The News

 Last Sunday we went to Madison to surprise my parents with the big news. I wanted to come up with a cute way to tell them. I ended up using my artistic skills to make a t-shirt. They had absolutely no idea we were coming. We showed up at around 9:00 and they were so happy just to see us there, but then my mom saw my shirt and started crying and hugging and freaking out. All we talked about for the rest of the day was baby names, nursery decorating ideas, and when we were going to go shopping!
Me and Derek
Me and my momma

Mom and Dad
My Bro Tanner
We had already told my sis-in-law and her family. It's really going to be neat because she's pregnant too! We will be going through this together. Plus the guys will have each other to complain to! The next day we told Derek's mom. She was so excited that she's having 2 grandbabies coming into this world so close together. So, for now we are keeping it a secret from our friends. It's still early on, 3 more weeks until our doctor's appointment! Feels like a lifetime. I'm feeling ok right now, just tired and I get dizzy easily. No morning sickness yet! Really dreading that part...

Here We Go!

August 19, 2011

For the past 4 months, I have been anxiously and impatiently waiting for this day. The day that I would wake up, take yet another pregnancy test and actually see that beautiful plus sign! I have to admit that I have taken quite a few pregnancy tests over the last few months. Instead of waiting, I kept deciding to jump the gun and take them early. Of course, I got negative after negative. I began to get pretty discouraged after the first couple of months. I started worrying that something was wrong. Why was this taking so long? So, this morning when I decided to take another test, I had in the back of my mind that I shouldn’t get upset if it was negative again. I just had to know. Couldn’t wait. Then I saw what will forever change my life. A blue plus sign! I couldn’t believe it. I actually said out loud “is this really happening?” I went to my husband Derek and asked him if I was wishfully seeing things, or was there really a plus sign? He confirmed that I wasn’t just crazy. We honestly didn’t know what to do at that point. I remembered that I still had one more digital test in the cabinet.  I just had to see the test say “pregnant.” A few minutes later we were both hovered over that blinking hourglass sign waiting for the results. PREGNANT!
I jumped up and down, screaming and crying. We were thrilled beyond belief. We went right out to Books a million and purchased What to expect when you’re expecting. I just wanted to read something about what was going on. I’m a nurse, and I’ve studied pregnancy and childbirth, but it’s so much different when it’s actually happening in your life and not just in a textbook. There are so many things running through my mind right now. I’m excited, nervous, anxious, praying everything will be ok, afraid something could go wrong, wondering what Derek is really thinking, DYING to tell my family and friends, wondering if I will be a good mother, if I will actually be able to give this child everything that I want to give him/her. I guess for now, I will just have to wait until my first doctor’s appointment…in 4 weeks! Don’t know how I’m going to last. To my sweet little teeny tiny dot….I love you more than anything and I can’t wait to meet you!