Friday, August 24, 2012

Our little linebacker...

Jonah is growing like a weed lately! We went for his 4 month checkup yesterday and Dr. Bill said he was very pleased with Jonah's growth. He is 17# 6oz and 26in long. That comes out to be 80th percentile in weight and length! Derek says he's right on track to be a linebacker! He got his 4 month shots, too. Thankfully, they had Pentacil so he ended up getting 2 shots instead of 4! I think he appreciated that ;) We have been feeding him baby food at night for the past couple of weeks. So far, he has had carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, and bananas. We did the bananas kinda out of order, because he started having some diarrhea (that turned into a full blown stomach virus). Poor thing had diarrhea for 2 days, then last night (the same day he got his 4 month shots) he started having even worse diarrhea and throwing up. It was the most pitiful thing ever. I was just sitting in the floor holding him while he was getting sick. I just cried right along with him. I do not like seeing my baby upset. He had no idea what was going on, he just looked at me like he was saying "fix it, mommy". And I wanted to so bad!!! I ended up staying home from work today to take care of my little guy. We were worried about dehydration for a bit, but he is doing much better now. He never acted like he felt bad, though! He just has been smiling all day long!!! He's my little trooper.
Some other updates, he is able to sit up so good now! He will just sit in the floor and play with hims toys. He loves his baby food so much! I can't get the spoon back to those little lips fast enough! He just started sitting in his highchair to eat like a big boy! Other than these past few days, he's still sleeping through the night. He wears mostly 6 months clothes and size 2 diapers (although the diapers are getting snug very quickly). He's still such a happy baby and will smile at just about anyone. We're pretty sure he's teething now. He's been SO drooly lately that we go through about 4-5 bibs a day. He just soaks them. He chews on his fingers a lot. Plus when Dr. Bill looked in his mouth he pointed out that his gums were a little swollen like teeth are trying to work their way out. Can't wait to see his big smile with a couple teethies in there! Bathtime still seems like his favorite time of day. He could play in there for an hour if I let him. He just kicks and splashes and smiles like he is having the time of his life! I have to cover up with a big towel if I don't want to be soaking wet at the end of bathtime.My favorite time of day is when I rock that sweet baby to sleep at night. He lays his head down on my shoulder and grunts and whines trying to fight going to sleep before he finally gives in and drifts off. I love to keep rocking him and just love on him before putting him in the bed.  He will always be mommy's baby squishy!!!!

Yummy in my tummy!!!

Park play day after work

Playing outside one morning. He was just
cracking himself up!

This boy amazes me more and more everyday.
I'm so blessed to have such a healthy happy
baby. I will never take that for granted.
Love you squish squish!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

3 Months and counting...

My Jonah is now a whopping 3 months old!!! He is getting bigger and cuter each day. I love his squishy little cheeks and his chubby little thighs. He makes me happier than I ever thought I could be!
We have been super busy this summer. Jonah went to his first party a couple of weeks ago. He went to Carson's first birthday party! It was at Palisades park (where Nonny and Poppy got married) in Oneonta. It was quite a nice little park. The party was in a building next to the edge of the mountain. It had a very pretty view. There was also a playground where we all played for a few minutes. It was nice just to be a kid again and slide down the kiddie slide! Jonah liked it too ;)

The kiddos at Carson's bday party!

Jonah is a candy mountain climber!!!

I SO adore my family :)

A little update on Jonah's day-to-day activities...He is taking about 7oz formula every 2-4 hours. He is very random. He sleeps through the night, and I do mean THROUGH THE NIGHT! He takes his bedtime bottle and falls asleep around 8:30, and I have to wake him up at 6:15 to get ready for school. Mommy and Daddy greatly appreciate this. We are so blessed! We have been off of Zantac for a couple of weeks now and doing great! He is awake for the most part of the day, only taking naps from 30min-1hr at a time. Occasionally, we will get a longer nap out of him. But, he doesn't seem very fussy about it. He just doesn't require as much sleep during the day. He is doing very well at school. His teacher seems to really love him. I'm having a much harder time of it than he is. He moves to his bigger classroom in a few weeks. I'll be sad that it won't just be him and a couple other babies, but instead, it will be like 8! But, it will be good for him to be in a room with more babies and more toys. He's still loving his playmat (his favorite toy). He also loves to watch Baby Einstein movies. We've also been reading to him a lot more. He will actually sit there and stare at the pages. He is just so smart. We are still working on the rolling over thing. He does not like tummy time for very long, so he's not getting a very good workout! I don't want to rush him though. We fed him cereal for about a week, but for the past few nights, he hasn't been very interested. I'm just going to keep trying and let him decide when he's ready to start back up. rushing :)
I'm watching his cute little self right now asleep in his swing. He makes the sweetest pouty-lip face when he's asleep. He also does this precious sucking thing in his sleep. It's like he's dreaming of a bottle. We love playing with the little booger so much! He's getting to be so much fun now that he's really noticing things and recognizing faces. He will just smile at me in the mornings when I wake him up. He is such a morning baby, just like his mommy!!!
He is eating everything these days!!!!

Daddy and Jonah having a convo between men :)

Jonah Brandon and Todd Landon!!!

Jonah, you are growing too fast! I am amazed at how much
and how fast you are changing. I am learning something new about
you everyday. You are getting so smart and so strong. I love to watch you watching things.
You will watch Milo run around, or mommy and daddy walking around the house,
or just stare at your toys. You are putting everything you can get your hands
on in your mouth. You've also started drooling A LOT! We have to change your
bib like 5 times a day. You will smile so big when we talk to you or sing to you.
That smile is what makes my heart melt. You are such
a happy baby and you make my life complete. I am so in love with you. Oh, and your daddy
is too! Every night after you have fallen asleep in my arms, I carry you
into your room and stand next to your bed and pray. I hold you tight and thank God
for giving me and your daddy such an amazing blessing. I pray that you will keep
growing strong and getting even smarter than you already are!
We are so very blessed. We love you with all of our heart!!!!!