Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Time Fun

Merry Christmas!
We've been super super busy getting ready for Santa's big arrival. Jonah is old enough now that he really seems to get the whole Santa-bringing-presents thing. We've had so much fun this year seeing Christmas through the eyes of our baby boys. It just makes everything magical! 

We had our annual family Christmas pics at a Christmas Tree Farm. I loved this idea and have really been wanting pics like this. However, poor Fisher was at the doctor just 3 hours before getting diagnosed with his first ear infection. He was not a happy camper. He didn't feel good and was so sleepy. He actually fell asleep while we were having our picture made! Given the circumstances...they turned out pretty cute ;)

Fell asleep right after this one!

Love this smile! We get so many fake ones these days.

Looks thrilled, doesn't he? Poor baby. The things I make him do!

Next up...the Gardendale Christmas Parade! I'm such a kid at heart. I just love the Christmas parade. Well, who am I kidding...I love everything Christmas. Just call me Buddy the Elf ;) Both boys seemed to enjoy it and just watched with wide eyes. 

Sweet cousins!

Magic! Ok, so the kid at heart thing...someone had the idea to have a huge snow machine going as Santa came by on the firetruck. Holy smokes it was pouring real snow! I about died. It was the coolest thing!

Jonah had a sweet little Christmas party at preschool! I'm beyond blessed that I get to stay home with these boys and can go to all these fun things! Jonah really did have fun, he just doesn't like my camera!

Ms. Tara

Ms. Cristy

SANTA! I know him!!!

We went to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa this year. We only had to wait like 20 minutes and the boys did pretty good! Win! Both were very cautious of Santa, but we weren't crying. Momma's happy!

Another really fun thing we've gotten to do is...Elf on the Shelf! We've had Henry for a couple years, but we haven't really experienced all that he could get into until now. Here's what he's been up to...

And now, for some randomness...

Putting our first ornament on the tree. This year was a little fire station in honor of the one down the street that Jonah loves to look at when we pass. Fire Station #2!

His first letter to Santa! He came up with some things on his list (Snot Rod!) and the little tractor for Brubby. I helped with the rest ;)

Love this! Magnetic ornaments to put on each day until Christmas!

Family selfie before church. Love these 3 boys!

My <3 

Henry brought a Gingerbread Train kit that we just had to dive right into! 

So serious! J had a lot of fun decorating. It wasn't easy, I must admit.

I'm so in love with these 2 Santa babies!!! Their smiles just make every ounce of stress worth it. I do all of this for them, of course, and to see them happy just makes my Christmas so special!