Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Welcome Emery Jane!

The sweetest little girl entered our world on May 2, 2016, at 12:57pm. She weighed 7# 14oz and was 21in long. She has been the most amazing little baby! She is now 2wks (and 1 day) old, and we are just so in love with her! Her birth story starts here...

We honestly never thought she would make us wait all the way to our due date! I was dilated 2cm by my 38 week appointment and I was feeling really uncomfortable. Even Dr. B didn't expect to see me at my 39 week appointment, much less on our due date when we planned our induction! But now that I have seen the kind of laid back baby Miss Emmy is, it totally makes sense. She wasn't in any hurry :) We showed up at the hospital at 5am, ready to start the day! Things got started around 6:30 and we were on our way to meeting our sweet girl. We were moving kinda slow that morning, as she was still pretty high. Our nurse (Erica...AMAZING!) kept saying that this is common for 3rd babies, especially, and as soon as she dropped down, things were gonna go quick! Boy was she right. I got my epidural pretty early on. We told them what happened last time and that it didn't really work. I'm still traumatized by that. Well, he made sure it worked this time! Even came back to check a little later to be sure everything was still good. It did make my blood pressure drop and I got SUPER sleepy all of a sudden. Derek even said I had a lazy eye going on, ha! After I got a couple of doses of something to bring it back up, I was feeling better. Things continued to move slowly until around noon. After that, progression really picked up. Emery dropped and I dilated very quickly. The nurse left to call Dr. B, but they came right in the room. She just happened to be right out in the hall! A few pushes and about 1 minute later, sweet girl was here!!! It was the easiest most unreal birth I've had. After she arrived, it took me a few minutes to realize what just happened. It just all happened so fast! The first thing I noticed about her is how absolutely coated she was with vernix (white goopy stuff). Not even her first bath got it all off! I just held her and loved on her, so thankful that she was here and healthy as could be! Mom and the boys came in not long after, and we all fell completely in love with our sweetheart!

 The boys absolutely LOVE their little sister. It was amazing to me to see how excited they were to hold her and kiss her. They still ask to hold her all the time and just smother her with kisses. I never could have imagined how sweet they would be! I'm just so thankful!!!

We were actually able to go home a day early, which was awesome! We were so ready to get our girl home!  

When we got home, the boys wanted to help with the first diaper...they did pretty good!

Her first bath was a group effort. They wanted to help with that, too. Emmy Jane did not appreciate the sentiment as much as we did!

Oh how beautiful is she???

J was excited that Emmy was taking him to school :)

Going to her first doctor's visit! (3 days old)

Sister had some jaundice going on, and had to spend some time in the sun!


She lost her cord on Sunday (6 days old). Cute little button :)

Poppy's first time meeting Emmy! We figured this was his first time holding a baby girl in 28 years!  

1 week old angel baby :)

Poor sister...never a moment's peace!

Having to multitask. Supper won't cook itself, and sometimes the baby just needs some extra love. (Sometimes Mommy needs it too!)

J said "you got my nose!"

Awe sweetness! Daddy was loving on his baby girl while listening to every sappy country song about a little girl..."I Loved Her First", "My Little Girl" and "There Goes My Life" were just a few <3 

Oh, sweet sister had her newborn session with Jennifer Branham and TOTALLY ROCKED IT! I cannot wait to see these. They are going to absolutely make my heart explode. She did so good and just slept the entire time. She let us change her and move her around without so much as an eye crack. Thank you sweet girl! 

She is just my BFF! Love her SO!!!

Happy Mother's Day to me! My mommy necklace is now complete!

Sister's first playtime: 

Crashed by Fisher!

Emery Jane had a perfect 2 week checkup! I was worried that she wasn't gaining weight, because we tried weighing her at home and she didn't gain back up to her birth weight. I should've known our scale wasn't accurate. She actually had zoomed right past her birth weight and is now 8# 6oz! Mommy's milk is doin work!! That's something else that is just going beautifully, PTL! It was just so hard with both boys and never worked out. She has made things so easy on Mommy. She eats every 3 hours during the day. At night, she tends to cluster feed until about 10-10:30, but then she will sleep until around 4, then go right back to sleep!!! Back to the checkup...she is growing beautifully, and jaundice is continuing to clear.  

I got a little nervous taking all 3 kids by myself, but they did pretty good. Dr. Jamie gave the boys these diabetic comic books that they just loved! Ha!!

Sister's first Bible study :) 

My sweet little girl...welcome to this world! We already love you so crazy much. You have brought such a sweetness into our lives. You have been such an easy-going baby so far. You love to snuggle and can sleep through your brothers' crazy antics. They just never want to leave your side. They go to bed talking about you and wake up ready to give you a thousand kisses. They are going to take such good care of you, but make you one tough little girl in the process. The only time we hear from you is when you are hungry. Other than that, you are so peaceful. I pray that you will grow up strong but graceful, smart but humble, and with an absolute love for Jesus that shines from your beautiful face. I love you sweet sister <3 