Monday, November 23, 2015


Miss Emery Jane Yarbrough
Oh, how excited I am to put a name with this sweet baby! I have truly felt for the past few weeks that this baby HAD to be a girl, for many reasons...I was nauseous in the evenings this time (boys were in the morning), I've had cravings for fruits, vegetables, and just overall lighter foods (boys were heavy, starchy, fattening foods), and our top 3 baby boy names were all taken in the past 2 months! So, we went for an ultrasound at 16.5 weeks. The whole time, baby girl was sitting on her foot, so we had a hard time getting a clear view. But with every view we got, I could tell a big difference from the boys' ultrasounds. I just knew it. She said "Ok, are y'all ready?" She pushed a button that popped up the phrase "It's a boy" on the screen. It was only up there for a split second, but I saw that first and was so confused! I was thinking...where??? But by the time I looked back at the screen, she had switched it over and the sweet words "It's a girl" were up there! I screamed and sat up on the table, grabbed her arm and kept asking if it was really a girl, and about lunged off the table to hug Derek! We didn't take Jonah with us, because he couldn't be trusted to keep the secret. Sweet Brubby was just sitting in a chair playing with his tablet, ha! Thankfully, we only had to keep it a secret until the next day when we went up to Huntsville to share!

I told J before we opened the box that there would be either blue or pink balloons. He said he thought they would be pink for a little sister...he has guessed right all along! He was so sweetly excited and was happy to tell everyone what her name is :) Of course, Nonny was so excited, too! It was a really sweet moment, and I'm so glad we did it this way. Mom and I might have gone shopping just a tad later that afternoon. Sweet Emmy Jane needs everything!

I'm 17 weeks now, so it's about time for another update....

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gain of 6 pounds
Sleep: Pretty good, just a couple potty breaks
Best moment this week: duh!!!
Movement: I think I have felt a couple twitches, especially when I'm kinda hunched over
Symptoms: Nausea is pretty much gone, heartburn isn't as bad, still get tired easily
Food cravings: Lighter foods, fresh fruit
Food aversions: Hamburger meat seems awful to me right now
Gender: GIRL!!!
Belly Button in or out? In, but I can tell it's starting to make it's way out
What I miss: Still gonna have to go with the caffeine
What I am looking forward to: Just relaxing until our 20 week ultrasound in about 3 1/2 weeks
Weekly Wisdom: Eating really light for dinner can result in a mad rush for breakfast the next morning!

My sweet sweet Emery, I'm so happy to know you. I can't wait to hold you and kiss you and put sweet little bows on your head! I daydream about little girly clothes and toys, dance, cheerleading, pageants, and how your brothers are gonna act with you. This is a new adventure for us, and we are so so happy to be on it. Your Daddy is already feeling protective and just "different" towards you. I really can't wait to see him with you. I think you are just going to change his world. We love you so much and can't believe you are really ours!!!

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