Monday, July 13, 2015

Fisher 15-ish month Update

Truth be told...he's a little over 16 months at this point. Woops! Life has been sweetly busy this summer. We've spent a lot of time together and had some fun making memories.

*23# 14oz and 32in long

*In 18mo clothes and size 4 diapers
*Naps twice a day and sleeps through the night
*Eats like a little piggy and loves milk. Fav foods are fruits, sweet potatoes, veggie chips, goldfish, teddy grahams, and pancakes
*Has just a few words...dada, mama (occasionally!), uh-oh, nonna (for Nonny), and just recently No-No!
*Points to his head, ear, nose, mouth, tummy, and feet
*Loves to read, wrestle with Daddy and Jonah, and do pretty much anything outside
*Loves to ride in the Malibu with the guys! Brubby, what does the Malibu say? ruuum-ruuuum!
*Howls and pants like a dog
*Throws tantrums like a pro!
*Snuggles with Cubby every night
*Loves watching Paw Patrol with J
*Gives kisses and big sweet hugs :)

Oh my sweet are so full of life and love. I can tell you are going to be a very strong-willed little boy, and I will surely have my hands full. Like your mommy, you are just "passionate". I love watching you learn and grow. You make me so proud to me your mommy! I love you like crazy, little Fisherman!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this sweet thing so much! They are both truly blessings in my life!
