Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summertime is back in gear

Way behind, so let's get right to it. We've been VERY busy lately. Jonah is just so much fun! We can go and do a lot more than last summer. He's really enjoying playing outside all the time. Here we go...

Our biggest news as of late...we have moved into our perfect house!!! Honestly, it was very hard for me to leave Vann Drive. We've made so many memories there. It was our first home as husband/wife, Jonah came home from the hospital to that house, he learned to roll over, crawl, and walk at that house. It's hard to let go. I literally cried twice at the closing. But, I am so in love with our new home. It has so much more space for us to live and grow. Jonah adjusted very well. He loves that he can roam around the place. We can't barricade him in like at the old house. He loves his backyard, too! Lots more space, but more on that later.
Welcome home!!!

This was my last time rocking sweet squish in the old house our last night there. The couches and tables were loaded up. Only my chair remained :)

Backing up a little bit, I am so blessed to have had a second Mother's Day as mommy to this angel boy. He seriously changed my life forever. I love being his mommy!

Derek got me the PERFECT Mother's Day gift this year. We've been wanting bikes and well....we got them! He got one, too. We love to ride around as a family. Sometimes me and Jonah B go out for a ride while daddy runs. My kind of workout ;) 

We had a great Memorial Day weekend full of some good food and family time...

We went to Tannehill one Saturday and had such a good time. It was really hot and we spent most of our time outside. The kids seemed to really enjoy it!

We had a couple extra visitors, too :) Rusty and Jamie came and brought Ansley and Aiden.

<3 these babies!!!

We've done a lot of outside/water play! Got to beat the heat somehow! 

Jonah did not love the splash pad, as evidence by his face in the next pic...

Loving pool day! P.S. Keeks was so funny creeping into this pic. She just went floating on by.

We made Moon Sand one day. Just 8 cups flour and 1 cup baby oil. So soft and easy to clean up. J loved it! 

We've also been having lots of cousin time. They are such cute little buddies :) 

Jonah seriously loves his big cousin, Dylan. I think it's so cute how he watches him and tries to do what he does!

 And Dylan is such a good helper :)

Jonah has enjoyed him some watermelon...and I do mean ENJOYED!

He finished his piece then demanded mine. His little belly looked so round like it was about to pop!

We did end up in the doctor's office for this little doozy...Turned out to be a reaction to mosquito bites. He had a big ugly one on his cheek and maybe a small one on his eye that made it swell so badly. This lasted 2-3 days before he could open his poor little eye the whole way. I was a little embarrassed to take him places, because it looked so bad. People probably looked at me like I hurt the poor  baby. 

Jonah has been a big help in the kitchen since we moved in...

Derek took a few days off from work and we spent some really fun time just hanging out and doing things with Squish. We went to the zoo one day...

Jonah says, GET BACK!

Love this of my boys :)

Jonah's favorite...Gaffy!

The elephants got into a little scuffle. I think they were just playing though.

We also went to the McWane center. We had so much fun just being kids. It wasn't crowded at all so we could just let the kiddos go and play. We all loved this thing...

This is Jonah's punk face...He says, "hurt my cousin, I'll hurt you!" I think he's going to be a good body guard to Princess Keeks :)

We are nearing the end, I promise. Just a quick update on my sweet boy. He will be 14 months in a couple of days. At the doctor last week he weighed a whopping 24lbs 6oz. He is getting such a personality (and attitude at times). He is saying more and more each day. Some of his words include mommy/momma and daddy, doggy, bye, boo, bubbles, and nite-nite. He can point to his head and ear when asked. He loves to dance to music and sing Old McDonald (he is so cute singing the EIEIO part; it actually comes out EIEIEIE or EOEOEOEO; just hasn't put it together yet). He runs all over the place and loves to explore new things. He eats anything and everything. Loves playing outside, in the water, and riding in his trailer. He is such a daddy's boy, unless he's tired or hurt. Then it's all about momma. He still will give the sweetest kisses and occasionally lets me rock him to sleep. He's very attached to his Gaffy and Buddy. His hair is coming in a little more. It can get very kinky curly when he gets outside in the humidity. He has 4 teeth on top and 4 on bottom. He also loves to watch his special videos with his Nonny! He's my baby BFF!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just got caught up with reading a few months of posts. I was behind too. Let me just say that Jonah is a mess! I will also add how he loves to bang his ever-present golf club on things like the dog, windows, people, etc. He loves to "uh-oh" (accidentally) drop food on the floor for the dog. He absolutely loves to watch his dad-dee cut grass and call for him the whole time. You can guilt him into giving love, which is precious. Just pretend to cry and he gets very concerned.:)
    I just LOVE to sit and watch him. He is very entertaining. If he sees my laptop he walks over, bounces and whines. Which means "Nonny I want to watch videos for a minute then I'm going to wiggle to get down then I'm going to get right back up again, then get down..."
    He is so amazing and I am so thankful that he is healthy, growing, able to run around and get into things. He has the most amazing and loving parents. Thank you Lord that I do not have to worry about the care of my precious grandson. God is so good!
