Thursday, July 25, 2013

J is 15 Months!

My big boy is 15 months old! He seriously just keeps us laughing all the time. He is learning something new everyday and making us so proud! He had his 15 month checkup with Dr. Bill. He's 24lbs 6oz, which oddly enough was the exact weight when I took him in for that swollen eye. He's 75% in weight and 85% in height. He's getting lean! Dr. Bill was asking questions that, sometimes, I just laughed at. Does he say words? Um 10 (mommy, daddy, nonny, doggie, nite nite, boo, more, bubbles, get out/down, bye bye, doc - Doc McStuffins, D - for Dylan, and his newest addition...NO! He's become extremely opinionated!).
Not all of them are pronounced correctly, but Dr. Bill says that if he's using them consistently and correctly, then that counts. Another question...does he know body parts. Yes! When he feels like cooperating, he will point to his head, ear, nose, tummy, and feet.

Does he enjoy looking at books? This is laughable, because he LOVES books. He will bring us a book at all hours of the day and demand that we read it to him. I think that's why he is so smart. Does he eat well? Ha! He eats like a little piggy. We have never had a problem with this kid eating. He will eat pretty much anything we eat. Does he sleep well at night? Yes, 11-12 hours most nights. When you are talking to him, does he seem to understand. Yes, especially when we ask him to bring us something and he does, or if he wants to go outside and he goes to the door (most of the time getting his shoes in the process), or if he wants to go brush his teeth and he goes to the sink in our bathroom.

Some things he didn't ask, but Jonah does...He has starting being able to point things out in his books. Some things that he gets regularly: ball, flower, sunshine, duck, dog, frog, turtle, balloon, frog, lion, Pooh, bubbles, banana. He is also really loving puzzles. He has one that has like 6 animals and he puts them right in their places every time!
 He's also getting really good at stacking blocks. He's just the greatest thing since sliced bread! He now has 4 teeth on the top and 4 on the bottom. He's had a nasty nose for a little while now, but ears looked great so it's just snot! His hair is starting to fill in nicely. Finally! It gets so kinky curly in the humidity!He was so sleepy since we were there for like 2 hours. He almost fell asleep in the table waiting for shots. He had to get 2 :( After that, he had a little snack and we were out the door!!!

Blocks with Daddy


Looking for his dog-dy :)


Stacked these all by himself!

Calls every animal Dog-dy!!!

 Loves to play peek a boo! He will get behind something, most of the time this curtain, and just giggle when you ask where's Jonah? He thinks it's hilarious that you "can't find him".
He's such a cool little dude. I finally got him to wear sunglasses and doesn't he look to adorable?

He loves to be just like his daddy.....

Jonah B is my special little buddy and I just LOVE spending all my time with him. I just explode with pride when he learns something new, which is all the time. He is just so smart, I don't know how we are going to handle him when he gets a little bigger. The other night, he actually let me rock him to sleep for the first time in a while. It was just so sweet. I love to squeeze him and kiss those precious lips!!!

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