Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mother's Day/Parents' Night Out

Last weekend was Mother's Day. It was my third overall but my first as a mommy of 2! To add to the special-ness of the day, we also had Fisher dedicated at church. We decided to keep Jonah with us through the dedication and we had fingers crossed that he would behave himself in front of the entire church. Thankfully, he did really well, even though it was the largest dedication they had in a long time. 21 babies just in the second service, and we were number 20! Oh the joys of being a Yarbrough ;) After church it was back to the house for a cookout with the fam. We had a nice time sitting out on the porch chatting and just hanging out. I'm so grateful that I am the mommy to the most precious angel boys in the world!  
Of course it was Mother's Day for Nonny, too :)

Love them!

Here's some more fun stuff we have been doing lately...
Nonny and I decided to take the boys to the zoo one day. Fisher slept the whole time, and J ran around in little boy heaven, as usual. He loves the zoo and visiting all the animals. He always says the giraffes are his favorites. It was also cool, because mom hadn't been to the zoo in like 20 years! She's been missing out ;)
Seriously...little boy heaven...

My boys!

The lions were just pacing around. We saw more movement out of them than ever before. They are just such amazing creatures (from the outside looking in, of course).

Jonah the lion!!!

For some reason, he wanted to stay here and watch the river hogs for so long. We had to beg him to go see more animals.

Watching our favorites...the giraffes!

Of course, I keep trying to come up with fun projects. This was sidewalk paint. I need to try to make the real thing, but this was a shortcut way...just ground up sidewalk chalk and water. It was pretty much water with slight color. I added a little food coloring to help with the color. It was actually really cool when the water evaporated and just left the color behind.  We used stamps and made a pretty mosaic kinda thing.

It was super hot one day, so we broke out the water table and sprinkler! J loves the water table, but is still warming up to the sprinkler. He would run near it, put his little cups out just enough to get wet then run away squealing. 

Brubby played in his pod the whole time 

Jonah wanted to get in the bed with Brubby and read him a story...sweatness! 

Now on to this was a doozy!!! I actually went back to work on Thursday and had a pretty decent day. Busy, but decent. It was nice to be back into civilization and earn a little money! Friday night we had such an amazing event at church. Kirk Cameron and Warren Barfield came to do a Love Worth Fighting For marriage event. It was so what I needed. Not that we are having problems, but every marriage needs to take time to hear what God wants for our relationship and evaluate if that is truly how we are living. We learned some things that we can both do better. Warren was such a good singer and was also hilarious! We were there a super long time, and we actually left a little early! We headed home at 10:00 to relieve poor Nonny! 

The next morning, Derek ran in the Zoo Run 5K. We decided to take both boys to give mom a break since she had them all day Thursday and then pretty late Friday night. Fisher ate right before we left, so we knew he shouldn't be a problem child, and he wasn't! The problem was that it was raining when we got there and when Derek first started running. It was also cold. This was May 17th and we had on jackets! Alabama...what are you gonna do? It stopped raining pretty quickly, so we went to the finish line to wait for Daddy! He did really well with a finish time of 27:55. Both babies did well, but Jonah didn't understand why we were at the zoo but not seeing any animals! Poor baby and his love of animals. 

After the 5K, we headed to Madison. For Mother's Day, my sweet hubby planned a mini getaway for us. We were going to stay a night at the Westin at Bridgestreet and go to dinner and a  movie and do a little shopping. It was perfection! I love my babies, but momma needs a break every now and then! We left around 2:30 and headed for freedom! We spend time away and what do we do? We shop for our kiddos. We decided to get them some presents to make up for us deserting them. Dinner at Conner's was amazing, of course. Following along with the theme of the night, we saw Mom's Night Out, and it did not disappoint. It was so true and so hilarious! I'm gonna need to see that one again. We headed back to the hotel and were asleep by people!!! The next morning we woke up and headed back to give out presents. J is so into Cars right now, so he got a few Cars toys and books. His big and little McQueens did not leave his grip for the rest of the day!

We had such a busy but great weekend. I feel so refreshed and recharged. One thing that I got from the movie was that God gave me these children to take care of and do the best I can. That might not always mean the house is clean, dishes are done, or laundry is put away. I'm not the first mom to get stressed out, and I won't be the last. My family will love me for being me. Not for being "perfect". It was exactly what I needed to hear :)


  1. We always buy for the kids when we are out alone too. Must be a guilty parent thing! The thing is, the kids probably don't even hardly miss us! ha

  2. So glad ya'll enjoyed your special night. You know we were so happy to have the boys, even if there were some dicey moments with Fisher. He's just little, he can't be perfect all the time. :)
    Always nurture your marriage and be there for each other first. If you're great together as a couple you will always be giving the boys what they need, which is a loving, stable and secure home. It's not always easy because no one is perfect, but it's so necessary and worth it! Put God first, spouse second and children third, as hard as that is to do as a mom (I know, I've been there) you will be doing all you can do to raise happy and secure children. .I need to do more in this area too!
    I think about the boys all the time. I love being with them, even if I do go home early sometimes. Nonny also likes her alone and quiet time too. :)
