Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fisher-man is 2 months old!

First up, some sweet 2 month pictures...
He has been giving us so many smiles lately!

The bluest and sweetest eyes. Oh, how in love am I?

Today was Fisher's 2 month checkup as well as Jonah's 2 year checkup. My boys did really well even though we were there for about 2 hours.

Fisher was thrilled ;)

Fisher-man was 14 pounds 1oz and 24 3/8 inches long. He was 90% for weight and length (just barely on the charts). I haven't really thought of him as a chunky baby, but once I found out he was over 14#, he all of a sudden looked so big! We had to show Dr. Bill a rash that he has ALL over. They are little red bumps all over his body. It's kinda rough feeling, too. Dr. Bill thought it was an eczema type rash. He said to use Cetaphil wash and lotion and to apply steroid cream a couple times a day until it looks better. Poor little guy is apparently going to have sensitive skin. He had to get 5 shots plus an oral immunization. I hated it so much! I cried with him. That is not any easier with the second baby. It breaks my heart to hear him crying because he's hurting. He got past it pretty quickly, so now we are just watching him to see if he gets fussy or comes down with a fever. Fingers crossed!!!
Jonah's checkup went well, too. He was 29 1/2# and 34 3/8 inches long. He was a little over average for height and right at average for weight. Dr. Bill said he is talking really well. They had a little convo in the room. "Doc Bill" asked if he had a good Easter. Jonah said "Easter Bunny brought you." I asked what the Easter Bunny brought him. He said "Tractor". He got a book about building a road that has all kinds of tractors in it. I was proud of him showing off for Doc Bill. He also said we can now switch Jonah to 2% milk. J had to get a HepA, but I brought some gummies that he tore into after his shot. He was done eating them before Fisher got done getting his shots! We hit the road and both boys fell asleep on the ride home. 

Now for some 2 month updates on Fisher Cole...
He LOVES his play mat, just like Jonah did. He gets so happy looking in the mirror and at this cute little blue elephant toy hanging above him. We try to do tummy time, but most of the time he just flips right over. We told Dr. Bill that and he said to just keep putting him on his tummy. If he flips over, he flips over.

He really loves his Minky, as we call it. He seems to be able to tell a difference in this and another paci. Definitely prefers Minky!

Still has blue blue eyes. I'm thinking they are going to stay blue :)

He has really loved being held a lot recently. He's not normally a great napper during the day, unless he's being held. He does get a pretty good nap in the afternoon in his swing. I think he prefers the swing to the bouncy seat. He sleeps in his bed at night. He goes to bed between 8-9 and wakes up somewhere between 2-6. It's pretty random and different every night. The past 3 nights, he has woken up at 5:30, 4:30, and 2:30. I dunno! He will eat and go right back to sleep, though.

He's enjoying bath time much more now. We like to put them both in the tub and bathe them together. Derek gets J and I get Fisher. This bath time was really fun. We had toddler radio going on Pandora. We were singing and dancing, and Fisher was just watching in amazement. That is until he pooped on the party...literally. Pooped in his tub! We handled it like pros, though!

Baby boy also loves his jumparoo! We just thought of it one day and put him in it. The first time he played in it, he was pretty tired and ready for bed, so it didn't really go over well. Since then, he has played and played...

And played until...
He passes out, right in the seat :) He has done this twice now. He doesn't fuss or cry. I just look at him and find him nodding off. Sweet thing just doesn't want to stop playing!

He is wearing anywhere from 0-3mo to 3-6mo clothes and size 1 diapers. He takes about 6-7oz every 3-4 hours. We did increase his Zantac dose at his appt today from 0.5ml TID to 0.8ml. We are going to try just twice a day to see how he handles it. He loves to look at our face and will give us the biggest grins and sweet baby sounds. He seems to enjoy being outside, which is good, because Jonah loves playing outside more than anything else! He has started to grab at the toys hanging on his play mat. His arm got stuck in a loop one day, and Jonah went over and very gently took it out. He's such a helper. He also said the funniest thing when we were working outside last weekend. Brubby was in his little pod and would cry out occasionally. Jonah was "helping" in the flower bed. He heard Fisher cry and said "one mim-et, Brubby, I get you". He got up and ran over to him to check on him. Oh, my dear, that sweetness!
My boys just make my heart so incredibly full. We are just a few days from Mother's Day and baby dedication at church. It will be such a special day. Dedicating my angel baby to our church and promising to raise him up in a Godly home and bring him to church to make Godly friends, as well as celebrating my first Mother's Day as a mommy of 2! I'm so very happy right now and I have my three boys to thank for that. Derek is an amazing Daddy, and I am so blessed to have him in my life. He loves our babies and loves to help, too. He will fight me over holding and feeding Fisher sometimes. Of course, him and Jonah run and play and wrestle all the time. He's so involved, and I know our boys will grow up to be incredibly men because of him.
Jonah and Fisher, Mommy has very high expectations for you two. You're off to a great start!
Love you as far as the stars :)

1 comment:

  1. Such preciousness!! I love these boys so much. Jonah is so entertaining and funny. I LOVE hearing him talk and communicate! Fisher is getting more precious everyday. They're simply the best!
