Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fisher Yarbrough...Room 3!

Fisher Cole had his 2 week checkup today! He did great, of course! He has gained a good amount of weight since our last visit after leaving the hospital. He went from 7# 10oz to 8# 11oz...mommy's little piggy! Dr. Bill said that was just right for him. We told him we changed from breastfeeding to formula, and he was happy with our formula choice of Enfamil Gentlease. So far, Fisher is doing really well on that. Spits up just a tiny bit when he burps or has the hiccups, but nothing major. Dr. Bill said he is happy with his growth and how he's doing, so we don't even have to come back for a 1 month checkup. He will just see him for a 2 month visit! He did have to get a heal prick for his second newborn screen and was not happy about that :( After a few tears and screams he was ok and we were out the door!

Some updates on Mr. Fisher...

  • Size newborn clothes and diapers
  • Cord fell off last night (at exactly 2 wks old)
  • Lots of dark hair
  • Eyes are looking very deep blue
  • More awake times during the day; follows rattles and toys with his eyes
  • Taking around 3.5-4oz formula every 3-4 hours
  • Struggling with night/day sleep patterns, but getting better ;)
  • Loves his "minky" (monkey wubbanub paci)
  • Sleeps best in his boppy lounger

No more cord!

Jonah likes to bring brubby some toys. He even shared his hammer and wrench :)

We are starting to really get the hang of this having 2 kids thing. We even took a family outing one day. We had lunch and spent some time at Botanical Gardens on a pretty day. It was nice to get out into the real world. Cabin fever was really setting in!

Mommy and her angels!

On another note: It's my birthday!!! For Mother's Day after Jonah was born, I got a necklace with his name, birthstone, and birthday engraved. For my birthday this year, I got one for Fisher! I was upset when it first came, because it ended up not being the same size as Jonah's, but it actually looks good with having 2 different sizes. Love my mommy necklace! 

Derek knows me too well... 

I decided that Jonah B needed to do an art project today, so he painted something special for mommy. He started out using a pompom/clothespin to paint with... 

Then he asked to use his finger... 

Then he dug in! 

Mommy's birthday balloons :) 

1 comment:

  1. 26 years ago I was as elated with my newborn as you are yours. There's nothing like motherhood, even when your children are grown. Happy Birthday to my daughter and friend. I love you!
    This is a stage of my life I never thought about until August 2011 when we were told we were going to be grandparents for the first time. What joy Jonah has brought to our lives and it is just the same for Fisher. The second child doesn't mean he comes in second. He is loved and adored just as much and he will always know that.
    Man, things have changed a LOT since that moment in 2011. I am thankful everyday for my blessed life and the direction things have taken. Praise God for whom all blessings flow!

    "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;" Jeremiah 1:5
