Friday, March 14, 2014

Since we've been home...

My sweet Fisher is 11 days old now, and I wanted to give some quick updates. We'll start with our first visit to see Dr. Bill. We went 2 days after we were sent home from the hospital, just for a normal checkup. I had to dress my doll baby up in a cutesy little outfit...

We made the appointment for 8:00 in the morning, which I was regretting around 7:00 that morning. It was just crazy trying to get up and get everyone ready. My thought was get in and get out before the place was filled with germies. Now, we were only there about 30 minutes, so I guess it worked out. My sweet boys in the waiting room...

Dr. Bill said he looked good! A little "golden" but not jaundice-looking enough to get labs done. He weighed 7# 10oz (what we left the hospital weighing). He said he was happy with that since there was no weight loss. He wants him to be back at birth weight (8# 3oz) by two weeks old. Here he is on the exam table...stretch!!! 

We look at him everyday and see something new about him. We think he's going to look mostly like Derek. However, he definitely has my nose and his eyes are a deep deep blue. I hope they stay blue! I adore Jonah's brown eyes, though, so either one will do :)

Fisher has been doing so-so sleeping in his bassinet. He's not the best little sleeper, but what can you expect from a newborn. He sleeps great during the day, but he definitely has his days and nights mixed up. At night, he will sleep for a short time then wake back up and be awake until his next feeding. He just can't seem to get settled. Last night was really bad actually. I think he's getting tummy aches and struggles with little gas bubbles. He just screamed for the longest time last night. We didn't actually get him settled until after 1am. Then he woke up again around 3:30 and again at about 7:30. He usually eats about every 2-3 hours at night and about every 3-4 hours during the day. Oh, how I wish we could swap that schedule!!! We'll get there... 

Jonah likes to go "see you" and talk to his brubby when he's sleeping. Good thing Fisher is a deep sleeper during the day. Jonah B is such a loud little munchkin! Oh, another fun little tid-bit that I don't want to forget...Jonah tries to say Fisher, but it comes out "Feefee", haha! Poor baby Feefee! 

His first bath (and all baths since then) lasted a whopping 2 minutes at the most. He just screams and screams so I go as fast as I possibly can. I know this will get better when we can actually fill up his little tub and keep him warmer. We have to wait until his cord falls off before he can be totally submerged.  

Bless it... 

I was taking pics of Fisher, and Jonah walked up to me saying "cheeeeese"! Of course I had to capture that sweet moment. Oh those eyes can get anything out of me!!! 

Crazy face!

Derek was reading to both boys one day and it was the cutest thing ever! Fisher was just looking up at him and listening so contently. 

Love these boys!

We've had so many visitors since we've been home. Lots of family and friends coming to say hello. Most have brought a gift and some bring something special for Jonah, too. Jonah has really come to enjoy that part! He likes his "prements" (presents)!

So on to feeding...I nursed Fisher for about 8 days. Strictly nursing. I was in so much pain that I would dread when his next feeding time was approaching. I even cried a few times while feeding him, just from the pain I was in. I tried calling a lactation nurse, and she did give me some helpful advice. I nursed a little more, then decided to pump and feed him with my milk from a bottle. That was going well for a little while, but when I got to where I didn't want to even pump again, I decided that breastfeeding was just not for me. I didn't like the pain, obviously, or having to disappear every 2 hours to pump. Jonah needed more attention from me, and I needed to enjoy feeding my baby. We struggled with this decision, but ultimately decided that formula was perfectly acceptable and would work better for us. We started out with Similac Sensitive, just because that's what Jonah did well on. However, after last night and all the gassy issues, we switched today to Enfamil Gentlease. We'll just see how that goes. I can say that I do enjoy feeding sweet little squirt now, and other people like that they can feed him, too! Here's Daddy feeding Fisher for the first time :)

Jonah got to help, too!

We've also figured out that Fisher seems to not like being swaddled. He likes a blanket tucked around him so his arms can be free. I get it, I guess... 

Sweet smiles...I like to think the angels are singing to my baby :) 

Great grandpa Cagle came to visit one day. He really loves his great grandboys. He brought us lunch and played bubbles with Jonah (a gift he brought).  

It felt so nice outside one day that we all went out on the porch and hung out for a while. I think Fisher enjoyed himself... 

Our first family outing (other than the doctor) was to Sonic. Funny story: That was also our first outing after Jonah was born. It didn't turn out too well, because  Derek turned the car off but left the headlights on. Our battery died! This trip was a little better, but another funny story: We fed Fisher right before we left and then he had a big spit up in the car. I had to climb in the back seat and change his outfit when he got to sonic. He then screamed and screamed until we started moving again. We did get a few minutes of peace to enjoy some ice cream, though. Jonah kept wanting "some, some, some" of mine!

Milk coma... 

So right now, we are pretty tired and get frustrated easily when we don't get enough sleep, but that's part of having a newborn. We keep saying that Jonah wasn't like this, but oh he was! We just forgot that part. It's pretty hard having 2, but I honestly wouldn't trade it. Fisher is such a blessing even when he is crying at 2am. Jonah loves his brubby and we love both of them endlessly! I'm trying not to wish away this stage, because time really does fly by. It's exhausting and hard work, but the greatest job in the world. I adore my boys so much!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Things may be hard and frustrating now sometimes, and you knew it would be, but it's only for a while and then it will be SO worth it when they are older. I cannot wait until Fisher is big enough to notice Jonah and be entertained by him. He is going to adore his big brother and vice versa (I think anyway).They will be such good playmates and buddies. Hang in there, it will get better, then time will pass and you will forget the pain of labor and delivery and the sleepless nights and you will be ready to do it all over again. Love you all, thanks for bringing these blessings into the world!
