Friday, April 4, 2014

1 Month Update

Fisher Cole is one month old!!! Time is flying, of course, like it always seems to do. We are getting the hang of things and starting to get our routine down. It's hard at times, I won't lie. That being said, my life is more full of love than I ever thought possible. These boys are so amazing. I love to see how much Jonah loves Brubby and how much Derek loves them both. I'm a pretty lucky lady ;)

Updates on our little squirt:
  • Weighs around 10# 12oz (on our home scale).
  • Barely squeezing into NB clothes and diapers. Size 0-3 fits the best right now.
  • Eats around 5-6oz every 4 hours
  • Sleeps a ton, but he has a very awake time in the mid-morning and again in the evening.
  • Sleeping better at night. Doing well in his bassinet. Wakes 1-2 times at night depending on when his last feeding was before we go to bed. Last night, he ate around 8, then again at 12 and 4. This is pretty typical. Sometimes, if he eats last around 10pm, he will wake up in the early morning hours to eat but then again after we are all up for the day anyways. That schedule, I like!
  • HAS ROLLED OVER 5 TIMES! Totally caught us by surprise, but he keeps doing it. He just does not like to be on his tummy!
  • When he is good and awake, he enjoys his playmat. He will stare at the toys and in the mirror and even swat at the low-hanging toys. 
  • Hair is still dark, and eyes are lightening up a little and are still blue. 
  • Has given us a few "talking" sounds
  • Likes his bath, for a few minutes anyways. He's happy when his cover is on and I'm pouring water on him. Screams like crazy when I take him out to get his pj's on.
  • On a not-so-cute note...his dirty diapers will clear a room...make that an entire house!
  • Makes the funniest facial expressions! His right eyebrow goes up and his left eyebrow goes down. Hilarious! See next picture...

Fisher rolling over...

SUCCESS! First roll was just 2 days shy of turning 3 weeks old. My superbaby!

Fisher and I love my homemade Moby wrap. I found instructions on Pinterest for this and it only cost $12 and made 2 of them. It's perfect for when Fisher just wants to snuggle, but I have a few things needing to be done. He obviously is very snuggly in it ;)

We went for a stroll one beautiful afternoon. It's finally warming up outside, so we had to enjoy it. It was crazy windy, though, on this particular day!

My world is captured in this picture! Derek is such an amazing daddy. He always takes time to read to, sing to, talk to, wrestle with, and love on these baby boys. 

Look, a duckie!

Another gorgeous day outside. This time, in Jonah B's new treehouse! (Well really, it's for both boys, but Fisher just watches big brubby for now)

That would be Fisher Cole in his pod

Oh my at the sweetness! Jonah is such a good big brother. He's always so loving and gentle with Fisher. He wants to kiss him nite-nite and wants to know where he is in the morning. He acts out in other ways, though. Jonah has become very sensitive and demanding. We think it's a combination of his age and adjusting to life with Fisher. He can't be perfect all the time ;)

This seriously makes my heart so happy!

Jonah "reading" to little brubby

It's very hard for me to comprehend that my newest little miracle is now 1 month old, and I'm planning Jonah's second birthday party! Insane! I guess I'm an adult now. I have starting consuming the drink of exhausted/haggard/sleep-deprived! It helps get through the day with minimal nodding off episodes! My life is as perfect as I ever want it to be. Not sure it can get any better than this!

1 comment:

  1. Can you even remember what you used to do with your time? I know it's hard now and every age has it's own version of "hard" and it doesn't get "easy" for many, many years, but how rewarding it is! I love spending time with my grandboys and when I'm not there I am thinking about them all the time. I am so thankful they are healthy and are in a loving and stable home. Don't ever take that away from them. Even now you are forming them into the people they will be. We are very proud of your little family and love you all very much.
