Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fall Happenings...

First Day of School
Jonah started K4 this year and has Ms. Laura again! We love her so much, and we were so excited she was moving up to the 4s! Jonah is doing SO good and loves going to school. His writing is getting better and better and he really loves to color. He did get his feelings hurt recently because a girl at his table told him he scribble scrabbles. The next day was the first time that he didn't want to go to school. He was really upset and it took a little while to get out of him what was really going on. We had a sweet talk about how proud we are and how good he is doing! It made me sad, but at least we had a sweet moment talking it through. He went and ended up having a great day!

Fisher Cole started K2 at PLC! He has Ms. Lori and Ms. Kim. I worried a little bit about him, but he did so good! He was really excited to go to school like Jonah. They tell me after I pick them up if they saw each other in the hall or on the playground. They walk in the front door together carrying their big blue bags and then part ways and go down their separate hallways. Adorbs!

So excited!!! You're such a big sweet boy!!!

Off they go! This was actually Fisher's first day and Jonah's second day. 

You're not a true fan if you don't take a pic decked out in your team gear on the first game day of the season! 

One thing different for J this year, is getting to go on field trips! We go to the skating rink once a month and Children's Theater twice throughout the year. He's having such a good time at school!

I was lucky enough to go to Children's Theater with him as a chaperone! I was as excited as he was! Although, he was thrilled to ride a bus! 

My heart!!! You are so wonderful <3

"Hip and lip"

Sister couldn't handle the fun :D 

This is our favorite pumpkin patch. Derek was able to take off on a Friday for us to go. It was our first "cool" day of the season and not crowded at all. Plus, Nonny and Poppy got to join us...perfection!!!

This girl was so happy the whole time. She was just along for the ride and happy to be there! Until the very end...she flipped a switch on the tractor ride back from the patch. She...was...done! Ha! 

Right before the meltdown! All was fine after we made it to the car and sister got to eat :) Hers was just hungry and tired...she was hangry! We had a great time, though. Derek and I decided it was our best trip yet to the pumpkin patch!

Well, after you get the pumpkins, you have to decorate them! Since we got small ones that couldn't really be carved, we painted! 

Then we played... 


Such a Fisher face :)

Love you sweet baby boys!!!!!

Jonah and Ms. Laura...his favorite teacher ever! Can't you just teach Kindergarten next year???

So here's the was over 80 degrees the weekend before and the day of Halloween. It has been so crazy hot and we are battling a pretty serious drought right now complete with wildfires popping up all over the state. I say all that to say that we were NOT wearing our plush costumes the afternoon of the church's fall festival. NOPE! The boys chose something from the dress-up box and Emmy went showing some leg! 

Sadly, this was the only ride they were able to go on. We only had an hour to be here before going to another festival at Uncle Jeff's church. It was just crazy crowded and lines were super long. This ride actually broke down with them on it. We had mixed feeling about the festival this year :/ 

We went to Uncle Jeff's church and they were able to play games for candy, play in a big inflatable thing and a jump jump, and sit down to eat some snacks! It was much more our scene.  

Mommy had a little lamb... 

I can't...I just can't handle it!

Cutest dinosaurs I ever did see! They picked their costumes this year. They both wanted to be dinos of their favorite colors. Ask and you shall receive! It was still pretty hot, but it wasn't so bad since we were Trick-or-treating later in the day. 

Fisher...seriously...with those boogies!

That's better :D 

The boys did really good! They said Trick-or-Treat, thank you, and Happy Halloween! Such sweetness :) 

How we ended our night! Poor Fisherman and his treatments! He doesn't mind, though. Just give him his videos and he's good to go!

These kids made us work for them this year! All 3 of them had croup that week and Emmy was still struggling with congestion pretty bad. She had slept a lot during the day, so I thought she would be ok that evening for pics. NOPE! She actually fell asleep during our session. Fisher was acting...well 2 years old. Jonah did pretty good. It was a lot of stress! Considering what a crazy mess we were, they turned up pretty good :)

Sleep Emmy!

Took this one myself, obviously! But isn't she pretty?

Fisherman is potty trained! He did better than I expected, honestly. It took him about 3-4 days to really get the hang of it. It's been so nice to not have to change 2 little people's diapers!!!

Sweaty boys! They would play outside all day long if I let them! Mostly digging in the dirt or throwing it in the air. Oh, and running around with their lawn mo-mos :)

Those eyelashes!!!!! 

Jonah's first ever homework! He loved it...I'll remind you of this one day ;) 

No cavities for J!

When Publix runs out of driving buggies!

This is a little out of order, but our last day at the pool (Labor Day) just happened to be Emmy's first time in! Little Mermaid loved it :) 

Awe, bless it! Emmy girl got hand/foot/mouth! Fisher had it first and a little worse than Ems. His mouth hurt him really bad. He couldn't eat hardly anything because of the blisters :( As hard as we tried, we couldn't keep him away from his sister. She did ok, though. Looked worse than it was.

Leo!!! So, Leo is the class mascot. They draw a name each day for who gets to take him home. Jonah was so very excited to bring him home and write in the journal! He actually was able to bring him home the other day, but now Leo has his big brother (Louie) that comes home, too. Love it!

No cavities for Fisherman!!!

Always outside!

Just today we took a hike on these new trails right down the road behind the splash pad. We had such a good time! I'm so happy we have something like this in Gardendale!  

Miss Emmy really enjoyed her ride! Why wouldn't she?

Love you, angel face <3 

Dear sweet babies of mine...I'm not perfect. I don't always get it right. I rarely get it right. I yell. I get frustrated with you and with the mess of having 3 kids. I'm tired. I worry too much. I don't make you eat all your veggies. But with all that I do wrong, I hope you remember what I do right. I love you with an amazingly deep love that words can NEVER describe. You are literally my heart. Just thinking of you fills me with this immense happiness and pure joy. I hope you remember that I tried to fill your life with sweet memories. I try my best to build you up and make you feel like you can do anything. You CAN do anything. One day, I hope you read this and feel how deeply adored you are by me, your Daddy, and your Heavenly Father. He blessed us beyond what we could have ever imagined or asked for. Trust Him. Love Him. Chase after Him and he will make you so rich with love and happiness like you would never believe. You are all so amazing and make me incredibly proud to call you mine <3 <3 <3   

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