Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thanksgiving and Emmy updates

We had a great Thanksgiving at Nonny and Poppy's house! It was a day of family fun and yummy food :) 

Nonny's babies <3 <3 <3 <3 

Emmy at 7 months... 
She continues to steal our heart every single day. She is so smiley and loves to sit in the floor and play. She is a fight-to-the-death kind of girl when it comes to sleep, though. She has just recently had her first 2 teeth come in together! She adores her brothers and gives hugs and kisses (slobbers). She is a total Momma's girl, though Daddy won't admit it. We've also just discovered she loves to dance 😄! We are loving her little personality that is shining through. Emmy Jane absolutely makes our world a brighter place. Love you sister 😍💗😘

Emmy at 8 Months... 

Our baby bird is 8 months old! We call her baby bird because she will sit in the floor and flap those little arms until you pick her up 😄 And when she's eating, she will have her mouth wide open waiting for a bite bite, just like a little baby bird 🐦💕 She moves around the floor anyway possible, just not yet crawling. She rolls, moves in reverse, and scoots until she eventually gets where she wants to be. Sister loves to eat! It's amazing what she can put down. She lights up when she sees her brothers. They absolutely treat her like a princess and probably always will. She also just learned to blow kisses and will give them all day long 😘💗

I'm over this, Mommy!

And more...
Let's Play!!!

Peekaboo, Princess <3 

Such personality and spunk!

Oh, this baby...I spent an hour cooking a yummy supper and this is the reaction I got from him! He is such a picky eater and barely eats anything other than snacks. Jonah, on the other hand, is just coming out of this stage and eating EVERYTHING and then some! Oh, the joys!!!

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