Monday, April 18, 2016

So much catch-up!

Oh my, there is just so very much to catch up on. I've been a little preoccupied lately and have totally fallen behind...let's start way back with Easter...

We had a fun egg hunt with our Sunday school buddies! Ended up with 17 kiddos and 10 mommas. It was quite the party :)

Next came the PLC Easter party...

My funny bunny!

LOVE LOVE LOVE this little school!

Instead of dying eggs (the mess stresses me out) we made egg nests! The boys really loved them. It was just rice crispie treat nests with icing and a chocolate egg on top. Yum! 

Easter bunny was really sweet to these baby boys!

Bunny rolls!

Then we went to Nonny and Poppy's for Easter lunch and had another egg hunt! 

Ashley took some pics for us after we got kicked out of church (thanks Brubbs). We got a text that Fisher was so upset and was banging his head against the wall! Poor thing was just not happy. We tried to take him in service, but that lasted all of about 10 minutes. We bailed, but we did get some great family pics afterwards... 

JKS Character Show
This is our 3rd year for this fun show. J was especially into Chipmunks this year, so that was his favorite part. I just love to watch their little faces when they see these characters come out and dance. Such fun :)

Harmony Park Safari
This is such a hidden treasure! We've been once before, but Jonah was a little over a year old at the time. We had such a good time! The animals are not shy at all and will all but climb in the car with you. Fisherman got right up in there and wasn't scared at all...that is...until the Llama Llama stole his cup right out of his hands! Hahaha!

Our first ER visit...
I always knew it would be Fisher Cole to send us to the ER for the first time. He has been struggling with wheezing lately and this time it just got out of hand. He was breathing around 70 times a minute after multiple breathing treatments and just seemed to be having a hard time. He was still pretty happy and playful, but really huffing and puffing while doing it. We got back super quick and they got to work on him. They did have to start an IV since he wasn't drinking much, breathing super fast, and had a fever. That was the saddest part. I just cried with him :( They decided to admit him for bronchiolitis when he was dropping his sats to 87% when asleep. He ended up spending the night on a liter of oxygen, IV fluids, and O2 monitoring. 

All things considered, he did pretty good. He left all of his lines alone (which could've turned out to be a complete disaster) and was in pretty good spirits. He would get really upset when anyone would walk in. After being poked and messed with, he was not having it. He would start yelling "DONE" before they even started doing anything. So pitiful :( He's still scarred. 

When he woke up the next morning, he was ready to eat and drink! He was doing a little better and just continued to get better through the day.

Thank you Children's for the On Demand movies! He watched Planes a time or two and "Tars Yon" (Cars 1) about 18 times!!!

Little man had a big appetite!

Going home!!!

See, I sound better!

Bye-bye Children's!

Family selfie on my Bday! Love these precious gifts :)

After Fisherman got home from the hospital, he started to get much better! He was so happy to get outside and play! 

Love this sweet man!

But, oh, he can pitch a good fit!

Fisher colored this at church one day. He would point at me and say "Mommy"! Did you color this for Mommy? "YES"! Awww :)

Treats while D played ball, yum!

They needed a fire, so they gathered up sticks in the wheelbarrow and made a fire pit. Then they had to warm their hands by the fire. Love their imagination!

My walking buddies! Trying to give Miss Emmy a kick-start. We are so close to meeting her!

Rocking Brubby and saying "Go to sleep, baby". I'll have some good help from J. Fisher might put up a fight for that seat, though.

Family outing to Botanical Gardens <3 

On our way home from Nonny and Poppy's, J was coloring in the backseat. When we got home, he said he had pizza sauce on his hands (we had eaten pizza that day) and he needed to wash them. Suspiciously, he did not want me to see. I finally found this! Little sneaky thing. "A" for effort, J!

I think that gets our activities all caught up for now! Emmy post...coming up next :)

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