Monday, April 18, 2016

36/38 Weeks

We are at 38 weeks today!!! So very very close, and we are just so anxious about meeting our baby girl!!!

*How far along? 38
*Total weight gain/loss: 30
*Sleep: Better now that Fisher isn't sick anymore. Getting up every 2 hrs with him was not appreciated!
*Best moment this week: Backing up a bit to 36 baby showers! (those pics coming up)
*Movement: Still sweet rolling movements, although, sometimes she will stretch out big like she's just gonna push her way out! Yikes!
*Symptoms: Complete exhaustion. The smallest things completely wipe me out. I've also been kinda crampy, which I guess is to be expected. I've also had some feet swelling days.
*Food cravings: Nothing new
*Labor Signs: Increased braxton hicks (they are happening constantly!) and some cramping. At 36 weeks, I was barely 1/2cm. At 37 weeks, we were up to 1cm, but still very high. I go again in 3 days. We'll see how it's going then! *Update* At my 38wk checkup, we were up to 2cm!
*Belly Button in or out? So out
*What I am looking forward to: Our next appointment to check on progress! I'm just so curious and can't wait for things to really get started!
*Milestones: We've got things pretty much packed up. Just a few essentials left that will have to be packed at go time. I absolutely loved matching little bows and headbands with Emery's outfits for the hospital!

Baby showers!!!
I am so very thankful for the wonderful people in my life that decided I needed a shower! I really wasn't expecting anything, especially since this is my 3rd. It was just so sweet and special and really got us stocked up on some essentials! The first shower was thrown by Aunt Vickie, Holli, Michelle, and Casie. We had it at my house and had a great time!

Next up was a sweet sweet shower thrown by our Sunday school class. This one was a surprise shower! I walked into this gorgeously girly setup and delicious spread! 

Love these girls :)

The room is done!!!
Finally! This one was really hard. For some reason the boys' rooms came together really easily, but this one was a true task. I guess because I was really piecing it together. It just had to be perfect, and now it is! Now all we need is our sweet princess :)

Sweet Emery, we are so head-over-heals for you, and we haven't even met you yet. Your brothers love you like crazy and give you kisses all the time. Jonah really is the most excited and wants to help so badly when you get here. I know you will bring so much sweetness to our family. Stay comfy for a little bit longer, and come meet us when you are ready sweet baby :) WE LOVE YOU!!! 

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