Monday, May 18, 2015

Photo Dump/Playing Catch-up

Oh my, I've just realized how far behind I've gotten, so this post is all about the randomness we have been up to...We have been spending a ton of time outside. I do have 3 boys on my hands, and I strive to make them happy :) Even though my eyes have been red for 2 weeks, I lost my voice, and I've been coughing constantly...thank you pollen! Anyways, on to some cuteness!

Botanical Gardens...
Show me your muscles! P.S. - I didn't realize that his shirt was tucked into his undies until much later, ha! Sorry J!

We love selfies!!!

JKS Character Show...
This was our second time to the show, and it did not disappoint!  J honestly wasn't as enthusiastic as last year, but I think he was just a little intimidated. He enjoyed it, but he just didn't want to participate. Brubby, on the other had, did a lot of squealing and dancing :)

Paint Party...
Mommy had a girls night with the Sunday school girls! We had a blast at our paint party, even though I was the only one that had to flip over my flower and start over! I'm so happy to know these ladies. I really believe God led us to our current class, and I'm so glad we listened and followed his lead. 

Love these! (flowers and ladies!)

Also love these guys for keeping the kids while we had our girls' night...all loaded up in the carvan!

Pure Grit...
OMG we had a makeover! Finally decided to just do it, and we are SO glad we did! Pure Grit Restoration came and revamped the cabinets all in 1 day. LOVE! 

Tannehill Day Trip...
We've done this a couple of times now, and we just love it. It's not too far to go for just short trip, but it's also a special place for me and Derek that we can now share with our boys. Many more trips in our future :) 

of course... 

Brubby's first carousel ride!

We've had a lot of random fun, too... 
Cousin time!

We were watching the kids kinda late one night, so we decided to set up a movie night. Popcorn, pj's, and UP! They are too cute :)

J got a Pete the Cat Groovy Buttons game for his Birthday, and we just had to try it out. J 3 times!

Oh the sweetness! Daddy was going out to run, so J went and grabbed his shoes really fast. How could Daddy not take his little buddy after that? Check out J's form! He's also wearing a running watch...just like Daddy ;)

This is how we rooooolllll! J has gotten really good at riding his tricycle. He can do all by himself now!

We've been doing a devotion with J every night. There is a short reading then we look up a verse in his Bible. This pictures helps me know that I'm doing something right :)

Sweet Brubby, you make my heart so happy!

Ok, so I've decided to start playing the piano again. I thought back, and it has been about 20 years!!!! since I've played. I just really want something that I can concentrate on and do just for me. Something other than just housework and kid stuff. Not that I don't love what I do, just need something for me. It has been going great! I love Mrs. Sheila, and things really are flooding back to me after all the years. The boys love the keyboard, too. Maybe someday they will get into some kind of music. 

Carwash...Yarbrough style! Let me add that I was in a lawn chair with my feet up :) 

J got a big boy bed!!!! He was more excited than on Christmas morning...seriously. I though he would never leave that room. The first night didn't go so well, though. Derek ended up sleeping the there with him after the 3rd time he woke up. However, every night since has been fine. He loves his bed and even picked out the Dino bedding himself. 

We had a playdate with Keegan at the splash pad one day. It was so nice. I really just love having this gem right down the road!  

I took some pics of the boys to give Nonny one for Mother's Day. They turned out so cute! 

Sweet stud muffins :)

Jonah's Spring School pics!!!
Mrs. Tara, J, Mrs. Cristy
Eli, Bailey, Kiki, Mary Claire, and Summit

Love love love!!!

Then came the last day of school. It was bittersweet, honestly. I really loved his teachers. They were his first teachers and were so amazing. I'm a little attached :) 
J decorated their gift envelopes himself! He did pretty well, if I do say so myself.

This amazes me. I didn't realize how much he had grown and changed until I saw this. He's no longer a baby. He no longer has those chubby little cheeks and cankles. He's a big boy now! Tear!!! J, I'm so proud of everything you have learned this year. 

Summer is just beginning! I've got a whole other post to do about our beach trip. It was awesome to say the very least. We hope to stay busy this summer just having fun and making sweet memories with our little fellas!

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