Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jonah is 3!

 Jonah B had quite the birthday celebration that just wouldn't quit! We started with a party at Froggy's in Warrior. It was the perfect place for this age. He really just dove right in and went straight to sliding and jumping around. His friends enjoyed themselves, too. We had such a fun time celebrating 3 amazing years with our sweet Jonah B!

Best Buddies :)

He got sweetly shy when we were singing to him and hid his face behind D at one point.

Since it was his birthday and all, I didn't say anything about eating the cupcake first ;)

My Brubbykins!

Kinley and AnnaCarol

Kinley and AnnaCarol

Courtney and Wyatt

Kaitlyn, Mrs. Cindy, and Keegan

Todd Landon

Party people!

Present time! J loves Pete the Cat.

Brubby giving his Poppy some sweet love :)

2 days before his Bday, we were off to the Georgia Aquarium!

A few days later was his actually birthday...
I made him some birthday pancakes :)

Precious big boy!

We got him his very own gator and he thinks it is just the coolest thing!

He's been driving it all over. Brubby and Milo even got to ride!

His last celebration was a birthday snack at school...

Singing the blessing :)

J has been begging for "Christmas cookies" since Christmas. I guess they are now his birthday cookies, too!

And finally, we had his 3 year checkup with Dr. Jamie!
He was the model patient and did everything he was asked to do. I see a lot of little kids go crazy with getting their BP, but he sat perfectly still. He did great on his vision screen, too! Such a big boy :)
He is 31in tall, 33#, and BP was 81/50. Healthy 3 year old! He did get labeled as a "picker" when we showed JO the place on his chin that has been there for like 3 months now! 

J is such a smart little boy and makes me so proud. It's so fun to just carry on normal conversations with him. Some of the stuff he says just blows my mind. He definitely keeps us entertained! He has just finished his first year of preschool and loved it (most days)! He knows his ABCs and can spell his name, can count to 20, can put pretty impressive puzzles together, and would live outside if he could. He loves to do absolutely anything with his Daddy. He calls Daddy his best buddy and says that I'm his sweetheart <3! He loves to sing with us. Some of his favs are How Can It Be (Lauren Daigle), Fix My Eyes (For King and Country), and Wagon Wheel haha! He loves, and I mean LOVES, Paw Patrol. He's so sweet to his Brubby and really watches out for him. They fight, sure, but what brothers don't? He's all boy and loves rocks, dirt, trucks, and noise. He's definitely got a fighting spirit and will throw a big fit if things don't go his way. But, at the end of the day, he is a sweet, smart, really good-hearted little boy. 

We might not always celebrate his birthday like 12 times, but I will always try to make each birthday super special. After all, the point is to celebrate the day these boys came into my life. Love you like crazy, little boys!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to the most precious 3 year old I know!! I love you so stinkin much honey!!!!!
