Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Holly Jolly Christmas

Christmas has once again come and gone. It's such an anticipated event, then it's over so fast. We had such a great Christmas! Our second and last Christmas as a family of 3. Not sure how I feel about that. Excited, of course, but the mess of just the three of us is sometimes overwhelming! Yesterday we went to the Eaton's house and it was a blast, let me tell you...
These 3 are such sweet bffs

D was so excited to open some presents. Almost excited as BIG D!

We got this inflatable punching bag for D...should've bought 3! Biggest hit of the night, for sure!

Fisher got some very sweet things from his LeLe. I love to see things with his name on it. As weird as it sounds, it just makes everything more real.

Mama K feeding her baby

Jonah kept trying to eat the play food out of the spoon, haha! He makes me giggle :)

I seriously teared up at the sight of these masterpieces...anyone surprised??? I cannot wait to see my babies in these at the hospital!

Snotty nose sweet sweet!

This was the best we could get out of these crazy hoodlums! 

Group shot! I'm surprised this turned out as well as it did. Group shots are very hard with toddlers! I love these people and the time we spend together. I'm so lucky to have in-laws who we are actually close to and enjoy hanging around. I also love that our kids will grow up as close as we are. 

On Christmas morning, Nonny, Poppy, and Tanner came over before Jonah even woke up so we could all see his cuteness playing with his stuff from Santa. We were all sitting around waiting for J to wake up. We had a late night and J was up a few times for some reason, so he slept in a little bit. When he got up, the party really started...

J's first reaction was to look around the room to see everybody that was there!

Then he dug in...

His absolute favorite thing was a screwdriver he called "hammy" (hammer). He kept carrying that around saying "work, work, work"!


We just cracked up at how he would tear off the smallest pieces of paper. It took him forever to open a present!

Nonny and Poppy got the baby a trampoline! He really liked it when it was inside. He wasn't crazy about it when he was outside and trapped in the cage, but I know he will grow to love it once he realizes what all he can do. It has a dog, cat, and bird on the mat that make noises when he jumps on them. So cute, but a huge PAIN to put together!

Jump, jump, jump

Jonah and Daddy got matching kicks. How stinking cute???

We were talking about how much fun this year was compared to last year. I loved having a baby to spoil on Christmas last year, but having a toddler to watch play with everything and run around all crazy was so great. Next year will surely top this one with 2 crazy little boys in the house! I just love Christmas, especially now that I have my own family to start traditions with and enjoy all the magic that comes along with the Christmas season. 


1 comment:

  1. What a fun Christmas with Jonah this was. Even though he doesn't yet understand Santa bringing presents and the anticipation and excitement of it all, he knew he got new toys and from what I've seen he is loving his new things. It is so funny that his favorite thing is his screwdriver, which goes without saying, but let's write it down anyway, makes Nonny a nervous wreck that he runs and jumps and plays with a pointy object in his hand. Plastic or not it could do some damage! But, let's move in...I have loved every minute with him during the holidays. He just fills my heart with happiness!
    As I was sitting with him on the couch watching Toy Story, that he asked for btw, he just looked at me, jumped in my lap and said "Nonny" with such sweetness. I took that to mean, Nonny I love you! Oh my goodness, it just makes my heart melt. He is the best little thing, really a good baby. Time will tell if you're that lucky again, but you sure did start off with a bang with J!!
    Jonah we love you so much!!! Thank you Lord for blessing us with this little piece of heaven! Can't wait for the second piece to arrive!!
