Tuesday, December 17, 2013

28 Weeks

 I will actually be 29 weeks tomorrow, but, close enough :) I've been feeling good lately, just big and full! Fisher is squirming like crazy! I feel him mainly on my upper right and lower left side. We had another checkup and a 4D ultrasound last week! I didn't drink any caffeine this time since we ended up with open-eyes pictures of Jonah after too much Mt. Dew last time. Freaky! He did really good for us, though. He gave us some really sweet face shots in the very beginning, but quickly realized what was going on and put both hands up at his face and left them there the rest of the time. Mom went with us for this ultrasound, and I'm glad she did. It's just special seeing him on that screen, and it's something that I loved sharing with Nonny. Fisher's heart rate was in the 140s (can't remember exactly), and he was estimated at 2# 15oz...BIG BOY! She said he was definitely above average on size. He was just so cute! I really don't think he looks anything like Jonah. His mouth and nose look totally different to me. We will just have to wait and see! I can't wait to meet you Fisher Cole Yarbrough!!!

Sweet cheeks! I love those kissers and can't wait to plant a big wet one on that wittle mouth!

He looks so snuggly in this one. We think this pic makes his nose look just like mine. Got a little ski slope at the end ;)

Kicking mommy...hi-yah!

He looks like such a chunk, it's hard to think he's just under 3 pounds

We're #1!

1...2...3...4...5...They are all there!!!

Another room update - We now have curtains! We are pretty much finished. Now I just have to get his clothes washed and ready to put him in! Almost there!!!

Not many changes, but... 

How far along? 28 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 26

Sleep: Better since I stopped coughing my head off! I was sick last week and barely slept. I'm making up for it this week.

Best moment this week: 4D Ultrasound

Movement: All the time. He still feels low to me, though.

Symptoms: Lots of Braxton Hicks. My belly just feels firm a lot of the time.

Food cravings: Sweet, sweet, and more sweet. Today we might have stopped by Edgar's for a strawberry cupcake ;)

Belly Button in or out? Mostly out. You can see it through my shirt, ha!

What I miss: Bending over, putting socks/shoes on, and standing up without grunting.

What I am looking forward to: Spending Christmas with my family of 3 next week. Next year there will be lots more presents and excitement, but I want to soak up this time with baby J!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what an amazing experience to get to see the 4D ultrasound. Incredible technology, and how exciting to get a sneak peak into what baby Fisher looks like already! For some reason all along I expected him to look like Jonah, which is crazy because siblings rarely look alike, but in the pictures we saw, they look nothing alike. At this moment I think Fisher looks like his mommy. He has her nose anyway, which is fair since J has his daddy's nose. Thank you for inviting me to go and share that awesome experience with you!
    Fisher's room is just beautiful. It's so soothing and classy. You did a wonderful job in the look of it all, but also the work you did yourself. I'm very proud of you. It makes me sad that Mama Fran isn't here to share the birth of another grandbaby and one that has been given her name. I think she knows, and I think she's very proud of the two of you and the parents that you are. We love you and are proud as well!
