Monday, October 24, 2011

Surprise, Surprise!

We went today for our 13 week checkup. We were just going to see Dr. Benton for a few short minutes, then leave. However, my impatience took over. I decided to have another ultrasound done, just out of curiosity. We had to pay extra for it, but it turned out to be totally worth it. We were watching the screen, while baby was moving like crazy! Kicking, turning, rolling around. I was watching the sweet little angel, and I said "I wish I knew what to call you." The girl looked at us and said she knew what we are having. IT'S A BOY! I was so shocked! That was not the purpose for this ultrasound. I'm only 13 weeks! She said that it was very obvious, and she wouldn't have told us if she wasn't so sure. I'm still a little apprehensive, so I'll feel much better when it's confirmed at our 20 week appointment. It's so amazing to me to see the difference that 4 weeks can make. Here are some pics of my sweet Jonah Brandon!!!
                                       Jonah kicking mommy! He was moving and kicking so much!

                                                     Widdle baby foot and tiny winy toes!

                                                                           It's official!!!

                                     He gave me a little thumbs up to let me know he's doing just fine :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm just tickled pink it's a boy! I love little boys and it's going to be AWESOME! I can't wait for Jellybean to arrive!!! You will be parents...a family, not just a "couple". And you will both be amazing parents! I love you!
