Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Super late 7mo Update

I'm so far behind! Fisherman turned 7 months over 2 weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to updating. He's growing so super fast and is getting such a personality. I'm just falling so in love with that baby boy more and more everyday. He's in 9 month clothes, but has been known to throw on a 12 month.

 He's not the best sleeper, I have to admit. He goes to bed around 8 every night and is usually awake by 6. This morning it was 5 :( I keep telling myself that someday these boys are gonna want to sleep until noon, but that is not now!

He's getting so close to crawling! I freeze every time he's in the floor and gets in his push up position or on all 4s. He'll move backwards, but not forward.

His favorite things to play with are his big brother's cars (or anything of big brother's), his walker, and my shirt as a chew toy! He regularly calls out to his "mama" and has started to babble with other sounds. Poor baby isn't feeling too well right now. He's got the tummy bug! He has thrown up a few times in the last 2 days and has really done a number on his diapers. He's being a tough little guy, though.
He started eating some puffs like a big boy and loved them, of course!

Then we tried bananas. They're slippery little suckers. He basically scrapes them into his mouth, ha! Whatever works, punkin :)
Had to move his bed down a level. He doesn't sit up yet, but he pushes so far up when he's on his tummy that his head was peaking out way over the crib. I just didn't want the first time that he sat up to be in the middle of the night. He might get a little too adventurous. 

Like I said before, he's got such a cute little personality. He loves to wrestle with Jonah and Daddy. He's got the prettiest blue eyes and 2 little toothies in that big grin of his. I love love love that baby doll! Fisher Cole, your mommy loves you as far as a star :)

1 comment:

  1. What an angel baby this one is. I get such a kick out of his "expressionless" expressions. I love his little high-pitched squeals he does too. I am so very thankful he is healthy and growing. He may wear me out sometimes, but I love the time I get to spend with him, both of them. And those blue eyes are killer!
