Saturday, February 8, 2014

36 Weeks and other updates

I haven't done a pregnancy update for 6 weeks now, but there really hasn't been much to talk about. But now we are so close, I can practically feel that bitty baby on my chest :)
How far along? 36 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 36 oddly enough

Sleep: A little better, or else I'm just getting use to not sleeping. I'm obviously uncomfortable and get up to potty a lot, but I still get some decent sleep. My hips have started to get achey sometimes. Prego problems!

Best moment this week: I had a shower at work! They did a dipes/wipes/bath shower for me. I got some good stuff! They are just too sweet :)

Movement: I feel him moving a lot, but I can tell when he is sleeping and when he is awake now. There are definite periods of non-movement and other times of total kung fu action. Also, he gets hiccups ALL THE TIME. Also, it feels like he has moved to a head-down position. Ready and waiting!

Symptoms: Nothing other than the ordinary, really. I did have a couple times that I was in some pain in my lower abdomen and my back. Dr. B said these were probably contractions but just not enough to do anything yet.

Food cravings: The biggest thing is sweet tea. It was my fav splurge with J, too. I just can't get enough!

Belly Button in or out? Out

What I miss: Having the energy and the body to wrestle with J. I feel bad sometimes, like he doesn't understand why Mommy is so tired all the time. I guess that's part of the process. We try to have special time, though. Doing art projects, reading, sometimes a bath. Whatever works.

What I am looking forward to: My next appt on Tuesday to check for progress. At my appt last week, I was thinned, but not dilated. I'm not rushing Fisher Cole, but I'm just ready for the process to begin, just to feel like I'm getting somewhere. It's getting really crowded in there!

Now for an update on my Baby J :) He's just so big! I've been keeping a list of my favorite little things he does. Here it is...
  • When a commercial comes on Disney with a teapot, he says "pea-tot" again and again. We got him to say is perfectly when we broke it apart. Saying it fast always comes out "pea-tot"
  • Still loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! He will now point at the TV and yell "pub-how", meaning clubhouse. He also will put his hand over his mouth and yell "oh-toodle"!!! He plays along with Mickey and will sometimes answer his questions :)
  • Says "All aboard, choo choo"!
  • He and Daddy play "2-3" which is J's way of saying throw me up in the air! When Derek throws him up, J yells "whoa Daddy" over and over. It's hilarious!

  • His favorite books are Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, which he reads along with, and this Under the Sea book that Nonny actually found at Publix, I think. He could read them over and over again. 
  • He loves to watch movies. His favorites are Nemo and Pooh. Favorite shows are still Doc and Mickey Mouse.
  • In a true boy fashion, he loves "BIG TRUCKS" and sticks. 
  • He will run and hide when it's time for a diaper change or a nap.
  • Favorite foods are blueberries, nutri-grain bars, graham crackers, and any snacks like puffs or little crunchies. He is a milk nut, too!
  • Buddy takes a ride with us pretty much wherever we go. He loves to play with his tags and stick his fingers in them. We had to get a backup to keep on hand for when/if he gets a little worn out.
  • He also has a calculator that stays in his car seat that he thinks is a phone. He calls it his "eyo"
  • He says his ABCs, literally...A...B...C...and he sounds so cute when he does it!
  • He can spit out his colors real quick. He will point to random things and tell us the color. His favorite color seems to be blue. He loves for his bath water to be blue (color tabs). He also says Nonny anytime we mention the color red, because Nonny has a red car :)
  • He loves to take things in and out of other things. Mr. Potato head never has a face. J just takes the pieces in and out of the empty potato. Same thing with a water bucket and colored links. 
  • He's still a great sleeper at night, but is trying to transition to one nap a day. He mostly skips one of them if I try to make him take 2 naps a day. He will just jump in the corner of his bed and yell for Mommy. 
  • Helps Daddy make coffee by opening the lid, putting in the Kcup, closing the lid, putting the cup under the dispenser, and pushing the button. He gets so proud when the "cockee" comes out
  • When he's going somewhere and wants company, he will say "hum on" for come on and wave his hand. You can't say no to that!
  • Lastly, we say a prayer every night before bed. I lay him down, he reaches up his hand and we say..."Jesus, thank you for this day, and for Mommy, Daddy, and Fisher. I love you. Amen." 
That was a longer list than I planned on, but he's just so cute, I can't pick just a few favorite things. I'm obsessed with that angel boy. He will get in snuggly moods when he just wants to hug and kiss me. Good heavens, I pray that day never ends. I love you Jonah Brandon!

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