Friday, November 15, 2013

24 Week Update

How far along? 24 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 20

Sleep: Actually a little better here lately. I don't wake up as often and am sleeping a little more comfortably. Surprising since my belly is definitely popping out there these days!

Best moment this week: Getting further into decorating Fisher's room! I completed his letters for above his crib and am very proud of it! (see pic below)

Movement: A LOT! Mostly down low and on the sides. He's not up in my ribs yet like his big brother :) Derek felt him for the first time right before the big AL/LSU game last weekend. It was good luck...we won!

Symptoms: Fatigue seems to be the worst now. Back pain is so much better, knock on wood!

Food cravings: Mostly sweet things. I think that changes each week. When we went on our trip to Texas last week, we ate a Cici's on our way back to AL. All that pizza to choose from, and all I really wanted was cinnamon rolls!

Belly Button in or out? Half in/half out

What I miss: This answer is the same...caffeine!!!

What I am looking forward to: We are doing a 4d ultrasound in 4 weeks at our next appointment. It's one of my Christmas presents. Can't wait to see that angel's face!!!!!

Fisher Cole's room is really taking shape! I made these letters out of scrapbook paper and mod podge. I'm no craft expert, but I was really proud of the way this turned out. We've also got his bookshelf put together, and I'm picking up his bed skirt today. I'm just glad all the big stuff is done and now it's just down to wall decor pretty much. Well, J just woke up from nap, so I guess that's all I have time for ;)


  1. You look beautiful! I love his name and room!

  2. Aww thanks Maggie! I didn't know anyone else read my blogs :)

  3. I love what you've done in Fisher's room. You have just become so domesticated with all your craftiness and cooking skills. We should start calling you Martha Stewart! Seriously, his room is beautiful and you've done a great job! Can't wait to get my hands on that precious baby! Nonny loves him already!
