Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Turkey Day!!!

My spread :)
 It's Thanksgiving! Well, now it's the day after. I cooked and hosted for the first time this year. Derek and I decided that we are now in our big family home, so we needed to be the family hub spot this year. It was really nice just being at my house and Jonah having all his regular stuff to play with. I cooked the traditional Thanksgiving meal...turkey (precooked - a little cheat move), dressing, sweet potato casserole, mac-n-cheese, green bean/bacon bundles, rolls, and mom made some deviled eggs. Grandpa came and brought some yummy banana pudding :) We had a nice time and ate a ton of food. Jonah still is not so great with Grandpa. He just won't warm up to him! It will come, though. The weather was nice, but so cold! We've had a cold snap that seems to have lasted the past week. The high was only in the 40s I think. It was sunny, though, so we bundled J up and let him play outside a little bit.

I am beyond thankful for this child. He seriously makes my life better and makes me a better person. He keep me laughing at the crazy things he says and does. He also amazes me at what he learns and how quickly he catches on. He's just so very smart, I can't say that enough. I love him to bitty pieces and absolutely cannot imagine my life without this angel in it. Thank you God for the biggest blessing in my life! Also thankful for his daddy, of course :) Without him, I would not have Jonah. Without him, Jonah would not have the coolest daddy in the world. I love to watch them play and wrestle. Jonah gets so excited when he sees his daddy and will go grab something to start "yaa-yaa" hitting him with (his version of hi-yah). Derek is such a provider and I'm so thankful that he works so hard so that I can stay home with Jonah. I seriously do not thank him enough for that. 

My boy had to have a handful of sticks the whole time. What else is new?

Peek a boo...I see you!

I think sometimes I take for granted how lucky I am. I think about the people who, for whatever reason, were not able to get together with family and eat until the point of exhaustion and sickness. We are truly blessed and I make a point to THANK God everyday, not just ask him for something. I really don't need anything else. Although, I do continue to pray for my baby turkey still baking. Fisher, mommy is so thankful for you as well. Things are going great, so far. I just hope we can stay that way! Oh, I'm 26 weeks now so here's a quick update!!!

How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 21 even after Thanksgiving!

Sleep: Decent, but I keep wanting to sleep on my back sooo bad! Can't do it though, so I have to prop a pillow behind me so I can't sneakishly do it in my sleep ;)

Best moment this week: Mom feeling him kick! He's quite the kung fu master.

Movement: Oh yes. It has started to feel more like little jabs instead of just quivers like before.

Symptoms: Not much. I actually thought this morning how my heartburn has gotten so much better. Just tired a lot, nothing new.

Food cravings: I guess still on the sweet side. Sometimes I just have to have a sweet treat!

Belly Button in or out? Half in/half out but pushing more and more out there.

What I miss: Again...caffeine...and sleeping on my back!

What I am looking forward to: 4D ultrasound...2 weeks and counting!


Friday, November 15, 2013

24 Week Update

How far along? 24 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 20

Sleep: Actually a little better here lately. I don't wake up as often and am sleeping a little more comfortably. Surprising since my belly is definitely popping out there these days!

Best moment this week: Getting further into decorating Fisher's room! I completed his letters for above his crib and am very proud of it! (see pic below)

Movement: A LOT! Mostly down low and on the sides. He's not up in my ribs yet like his big brother :) Derek felt him for the first time right before the big AL/LSU game last weekend. It was good luck...we won!

Symptoms: Fatigue seems to be the worst now. Back pain is so much better, knock on wood!

Food cravings: Mostly sweet things. I think that changes each week. When we went on our trip to Texas last week, we ate a Cici's on our way back to AL. All that pizza to choose from, and all I really wanted was cinnamon rolls!

Belly Button in or out? Half in/half out

What I miss: This answer is the same...caffeine!!!

What I am looking forward to: We are doing a 4d ultrasound in 4 weeks at our next appointment. It's one of my Christmas presents. Can't wait to see that angel's face!!!!!

Fisher Cole's room is really taking shape! I made these letters out of scrapbook paper and mod podge. I'm no craft expert, but I was really proud of the way this turned out. We've also got his bookshelf put together, and I'm picking up his bed skirt today. I'm just glad all the big stuff is done and now it's just down to wall decor pretty much. Well, J just woke up from nap, so I guess that's all I have time for ;)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Short hair...don't care!

Just a few updates to give for Jonah. In big news...he got his first haircut! I finally gave in and decided to let them cut off his frizzy curls. I was worried that his hair wouldn't curl anymore, but trust me, it does! He looks so very handsome :)

Who is that stud???

He sat still but only because he had his snacks! 

Some other exciting things he has done lately...I got a video of him this morning while I was getting ready for church. Him and Daddy were working on colors. He knows blue, green, purple, pink, black, yellow, and sometimes orange. I had no idea he knew them and he was just flying through the color book like it was nothing! He takes in so much more than we realize. He basically has new words everyday. I can't even keep up. Today he went to his new Sunday School class in the Kids Kingdom at church. His class ended up being the same one we wrote his Bible verse in during the prayer walk/scripture writing night. He went right to the teacher, she put him down, he said bye bye and ran off to play. I love that boy so much! The only way to describe him is *perfect*! Love you Squish!!!

Deep in the heart of Texas

Last week, Derek had to take one of four work trips to Dallas. We decided to tag along! We drove most of the way then stopped for the night. It's just too long of a drive for me a J to handle in one swoop. It was nice to be somewhere I had never been before. Derek's classes were only 2 1/2 days so we got to spend some time doing some fun stuff. Me and J also ventured out on our own a few times. We actually stayed in Allen (just outside of Dallas), and it's a good thing. Dallas traffic is HORRIBLE! Fair warning...lots of pictures coming...
We stopped in Monroe to see the Duck Dynasty warehouse. Pretty neat to see!

Happy to be out of the car!!!

Normally, he doesn't sleep in the bed with us, but it was just easier this way on the trip. I could watch him sleep all night. He's just so snuggly!

Jonah/Mommy breakfast in the hotel.

When we finally made it to Dallas the first day, we stopped at the Perot Science Museum. Pretty much the Dallas version of Mcwane Center. It was really neat, especially the part for little kids. J really loved the camping set up they had. 

Notice in the stacked bowls/plates in this pic...

Then he took them in the tent and stacked them...

Sometimes we would get a little bored and J would get stir crazy. We set him up with some Baby Einstein moomoos (movies) and he was perfectly content :)

Is there something on my head???

Me and J set out one day to a magical place called Kids Mania. Seriously the coolest thing ever, and I'm not even a kid. Jonah had a great time! 

He would not go down the slide...when he finally did....

It was backwards!

On our way out on the last day, we stopped by the Flight Museum and the Heritage Village. 

Cutest, sweetest pilot and copilot ever!

Racing through the plane.

This frightens me...

Heritage Village was an actual village set up in the middle of Dallas. It was all these different historic buildings put together to show what a little town might look like. Me and Derek love looking at stuff like this. Especially when you can go inside and see the old decor and tools.  

Dr's office

Headed to the school house

Jonah working on his studies



Town central

So all in all, it was a pretty good trip. Jonah did come down with an ear infection the day before we left, but we started abx and he did great the whole trip! I'm not sure if we will be making the journey on Derek's other trips coming up, though. I think we got our taste of Texas.