Friday, September 27, 2013

Boy, oh BOY!!!

 We went for an ultrasound the day we left for vacation to (hopefully) find out what our little angel is. I was only 16 weeks, well 15wks and 6 days actually. I thought it might even be a little early to find out. I was totally prepared for them to say it was inconclusive. Another reason I thought this was because I was SURE we were having a girl. Derek told the tech he was 110% positive it was a boy. Well...he was right! She looked him over and took a few pictures then went for the goods. She asked us what we saw...definitely boy! We have our angel Fisher Cole! I was so very excited and so was Derek.
We really love the idea of having 2 little boys running around. Derek says they are going to gang up on me. We'll see :) As we were leaving, we were telling everyone the news. I told Ashley the name we picked and she said that it was actually Momma Fran's birthday and she would surely approve of that name. Fisher got his name from Momma Fran's maiden name. We knew over a year ago that we wanted to name our next child that name, should it be a boy. I just broke down and cried.
That was the most special thing to me. To be able to find out on her birthday that we will be having a little boy who we are naming after her was just incredible. We couldn't have timed it all better. We loaded up and headed to the beach! We had the best time, but that post is coming later. I am now 17 weeks and feeling good! Here's a fun quiz to summarize this week :)

How far along? 17 weeks and 2 days

Total weight gain/loss: about 8lbs gained so far...much better from last time around!

Sleep: Other than waking up 1-2 times to potty, I'm sleeping pretty good.

Best moment this week: I'm skipping back a week, but finding out we are having a baby BOY!!!

Movement: I think I might have felt a flutter or two recently, but it's hard to tell.

Symptoms: The worst is back pain, which Dr. B said is sciatica. Had it with Jonah later on in my pregnancy, but this time it started at 14 weeks! I also get headaches often, but nothing too bad.

Food cravings: Not really any cravings. Sweet tea, maybe?

Belly Button in or out? In for now

What I miss: On our vacation last week, I was really missing being able to lay on my tummy. I still did a little bit when I was laying out, but felt bad about it and rolled back over.

What I am looking forward to: Feeling movement and getting to 20 weeks, the half-way point!

1 comment:

  1. We were all so excited to find out another baby boy was on the way. I think we all really hoped it would be a boy. I am so excited and cannot wait for Fisher to arrive. If having and loving one grandchild is such a blessing, I can only imagine what it will be like with two! I am also very excited about being off work and being able to help out as much as I can, and is welcomed. I love you already Fisher Cole!
