Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

This Christmas was such a great one, but we really wished Jonah was with us! We kept saying that we couldn't wait for next year when he would be here crawling around, getting into all the presents, and pulling on the ornaments! We had a great time, though. Christmas Eve we went for dinner, riding around to see Christmas lights, and open presents at Momma Fran's house. Dylan was usual. He seemed to really like the camera me and Big D got him! It was really nice spending time with Derek's family. I always have so much fun around them. They really are my second family, and I am so very grateful for them.

After we finished at Momma Fran's we rode up to Huntsville for the night at Mom and Dad's. I wanted to spend this Christmas with them and wake up to have "Santa Clause" in the morning one last time before I become and mom and have to be a real grown up. We stayed up super late talking and visiting. Finally got to sleep about 1:00 in the morning! I woke up at 5:30 and laid in bed before getting up about 6:30. Everyone was so mad at me for waking them up so early, but I was excited and wanted to see what Santa brought! I got a lot of stuff for Jonah, like a rocker and ottoman, video monitor, diaper bag, a big bag of toys, and so much more. We are truly blessed to have such a great family that supports and spoils us a little :) !!!


22 weeks
Today we put Jonah's crib together. It makes me so happy to see his furniture in his room. I want to get it finished so badly! It's going to look so sweet when everything is done. All I can do is think about how things are going to change when he comes into our life. I love you Jonah Brandon!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Halfway There!

Today was our 20 week checkup, which is a big deal considering they do an ultrasound that checks all the organs closely to make sure everything is forming and working properly. We were very anxious about today. We were so worried something would be wrong with our sweet angel. We had the ultrasound first and thankfully everything was great! The technician even used the word "perfect" a few times :) Jonah's heart, brain, spine, kidneys, stomach and bladder look good and all of his measurements are right on track. He weighs 13 oz right now (6oz up from our appointment 3 weeks ago!), and his heart rate was 150. He cooperated like a good little boy for all of the important stuff, but when we tried to get a good look at his profile to see his nose and lips, he had enough! He was turned around facing my back and would not turn over no matter how much poking and jiggling we did. When the technician could angle the probe enough to see his face a little bit, he had both arms up by his face! He was being stubborn. But, I guess that's ok. He's had his picture made quite a lot. This is our 4th ultrasound!
After the ultrasound was over, we saw Dr. Benton. She had been called away for a delivery so we had to anxiously await her arrival to confirm that all was well with our little Jonah. When she got there, she said that everything from the scan looked great and we are right on track. My BP is still looking good. I did gain another 8lbs (yikes!!!), which I had to ask her about. She said that I will have weeks where I don't gain anything and then I will have times that I gain a lot. It's all part of it. I just don't want to gain 8lbs every time. That would just make for a very hard diet after Jonah gets here! Anyways, I go back in 4 weeks and have my glucose tolerance test, which I hear wonderful things about (sarcasm). Not looking forward to that, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do!
I am so blessed that everything is going smoothly so far. We pray almost every night that God will continue to watch over us and little Jonah. I pray that he will grow and grow and take his time getting here. I want to see him so badly, but I also want him to stay safe in my belly for as long as possible. I feel like I have the most important job of my life...protecting my precious cargo. I pray that I will be a good mommy to him and help him grow into a perfect little boy and young man. I pray that he will know how much mommy and daddy love him by both our words and actions towards him and each other. I pray that I will make good decisions as a parent to keep him safe and teach him good values. It's crazy to think that I love this little boy so very much and I haven't actually seen him or held him yet. I can't imagine how I will feel that first time that I hold him in my arms. Right now it's just a dream that I'm waiting to come true. Well, I guess that's it until next time!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pitter Patter

I have to make a note of this before I forget the details. This past Wednesday (Nov. 30) I am 99% sure that I felt my sweet angel squirming for the first time!!!!! I was driving home from work, singing away to the radio, when I felt this crazy sensation in my belly. The best way that I can describe it is that it was almost like a stomach growl but much lower. It was kinda like a bubbling feeling in my tummy below my belly button. I stopped the car, turned the radio off, and just sat still trying to feel it again. No luck. I've never felt this before, and I haven't felt it since. But, just in case that was a real kick, I want to get it in writing :) It got me really excited about everything, like I've hit some major milestone. I can't wait to feel him again and get to point where Derek can feel him too!
Changing subjects now, I saw this picture and couldn't help but think of our little family. I just love it!!!!

Mommy, Daddy, and Jonah baby!!!