Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Emmy Jane 9, 10, and 11 months


9 months...3/4 of a year spent loving and adoring this precious angel 💕 As hard as it was to admit it, her first word was in fact Dada! I guess it's fitting since she looks just like her Daddy 😄 She has just started crawling around and exploring, working hard to pull up to stand. She gives kisses away like crazy! Even uses them when she wants something, kinda like calling the dog... 😘😘 here Mommy and Daddy 😘😘 I need more bite bite!!! Oh, sweet girl can EAT! It's unreal how much she can put down. Her favorites seem to be bananas, green beans, mac-n-cheese, and of course her puff-puffs. The only thing she will not eat is eggs! She does not like them, Sam I Am! 😝 She just got bumped up to a big girl car seat and loves it! She also LOVES to be doing anything outside, but swinging is definitely her fav. Still just 2 front teeth. Working hard on those uppers 😁 Miss Emery Jane is 21 pounds of pure sweetness and totally owns us all 💕👑🎀


Emery Jane is 10 months old!!! Her little personality is just bursting out lately. She's a bit of a goofball, and I LOVE it! 😄 She's loving being able to crawl all around the house and explore. She says Dada, Mama, hi, and bite bite. Still only 2 teethies, but she does not let that stop her. Sister can stuff her face! 😋 She loves to play and wrestle with her big brothers and loves when they read to her. We are all still so smitten 😘💕👑


Our princess baby is 11 months old! 😮 Doesn't seem possible! She's all over the place, as you can tell 😄 She brings so much joy to our lives. She is just the happiest little thing! 💗 She loves to be outside and did great on her first camping trip. She's mommy's best little friend and lights up when she sees Daddy or her brothers. She now has 5 teeth (3 top and 2 bottom) and uses them to eat everything she can get her hands on. She's been experimenting with her balance and letting go of things while standing. She's a speed crawler and babbles constantly with the sweetest little voice. Thanking God for this blessing today and everyday 💗👑🎀

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