Wednesday, February 24, 2016

30 Weeks!

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: 22 lbs
Sleep: Pretty good. Still wake up a few times, but overall, can't complain.
Best moment this week: Nonny got sweet Emmy a special blanket that came in this week. Can't wait to wrap her little self up in it!!!

Movement: She seems to really like my right side.
Symptoms: I did have an issue of swollen feet the other day. I had been to work and came home with some fluffy puppies :( Sciatica is pretty annoying, too.
Food cravings: I'm still loving my smoothies and most sweet things.
Belly Button in or out? Even more out
What I miss: I want so badly to lay on my tummy to sleep :( Preggo pillow does help me stay comfortable, though.
What I am looking forward to: Not pregnancy related, but sweet Fisherman's birthday is next week!!!
Milestones: We hit the 30s! 10 weeks or less :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited and cannot wait. Afterall, it's been almost 28 years since I've had a baby girl in my arms. I am looking forward to refreshing my memory on what they are like :) They boys are so precious and sweet about Emmy, especially Jonah. Fisher isn't old enough to fully grasp the situation. Mommy and Daddy have done a great job in the nursery. So sweet and serene. I've also had some fun buying little girl things. That's been a long time too. I can't wait to meet, hold and love on you sweet Emmy Jane!
