Thursday, January 21, 2016

24 Week Update

In my true fashion, I'm a week behind, but here it is!....

How far along? 24
Total weight gain/loss: 15 pounds
Sleep: Toss and turn a good bit; 2 potty breaks a night
Best moment this week: Painting the nursery and furniture! It's getting real :)
Movement: A lot especially in the morning and late at night. She's still feisty!
Symptoms: Nothing too bad. I did have a major headache just last night that sent me to bed early. I've also been having sciatic pain a good bit.
Symptoms I DON'T have: Fatigue and heartburn have been absent lately (except for the other day when I had to have a 2hr afternoon nap...woops!) Other than that, I've been feeling great!
Food cravings: I'm loving my smoothies!
Food aversions: Nothing really
Labor Signs: Not labor, but I do feel like my tummy will get hard at times.
Belly Button in or out? It's coming on out
What I miss: I'm sticking with the caffeine.
What I'm looking forward to: Crib comes in about 4 days!
Milestones: Passed my glucose test! Woohoo!

Paint going up in Emmy Jane's room! Jonah said "I want to paint, too, because she's my sister!" Oh sweet love!!!

Daddy did a great job :)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

*HoHoHo Merry Christmas*

We had such a great Christmas this year! It's always so fun and magical seeing things through the eyes of my sweet little guys. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year :) Here's what went down...

On Christmas Eve-Eve, the weather was yuck and we were stuck inside. We were all a little stir crazy, so we decided to give the kiddos their gifts from us. It worked wonders!

One day, we made some cookies together! Love making sweet memories with them :) 

Then came the decorating... 

And eating! 

Brubby approved! 

One night, Jonah told Henry where he wanted him to hide the next morning. He asked Henry to hang from the ceiling fan. Guess where we found Henry the next morning ;) Love that sweet innocence! 

Awe, the boys went through some kind of sickness a few days before Christmas. Brubby was checking on his big brother <3 

We spent Christmas Eve with the cousins and had a blast! They are too cute when they all get together! 

We didn't get a group pic that night, but we got this cute one on New Year's Eve during the football game. They are such besties :)  

We left cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer. And then...


They were unsure at first

Sweet J finally got his Chick Hicks hauler and was so excited!!

Another request was some light up shoes. Santa delivered!

Some of Brubby's favorites were the Toy Story movies. He's addicted.

God love him! Boys and their trucks.

Oh, they LOVED the jump-jump. This stayed up for like a week and they played in it constantly. That is, until it got 2 holes in it :( Momma's gotta work on that.

Fisher loves these blocks at Let's Play. Santa knows all :)

World's greatest Daddy goes to this guy who is always quick to jump in and play right along with his boys. They so love him!

After we played with the goodies that Santa left, we headed to Huntsville!
J colored pictures for Nonny and Poppy on the way

Nonny and Poppy did good! The boys love to take this engine apart over and over again.

Back home...we broke in some other Christmas toys :)  

And finally got around to our gingerbread train...Christmas...done! 

Oh, what a year! Boys, I will never have enough words to express how much I love watching you grow. You bring so much happiness to my life, and I'm so thankful God chose me to be your mommy. I have loved seeing you learn, smile, explore, laugh, and love each other over this past year. I'm so in love with this sweet family I get to call mine! I can't wait to add Miss Emery to our madness.

So long, 2015. You were great to us, but I'm excited to see where we end up in 2016!!!