Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Preschool Preciousness

Seriously, how cute is this little preschooler? I was so excited and a little sad to take my baby J to preschool for the first time yesterday! He's going 2 days a week to the Preschool Learning Center. It is such a sweet little place, and all of the teachers seem like they genuinely care about these kids. They also pride themselves on not being a daycare center or MDO program. They are a preschool with a curriculum. I love this, because I don't want to spend time away from Jonah when it's not really benefiting him. This way, I feel like he is learning and playing at the same time. His teachers, Miss Tara and Miss Cristy, are super sweet.
J got himself a sweet little lunch box to carry his snacks in ;) He helped me pack his snack the night before. I was a little worried about the dropoff, since I wasn't allowed to walk him in! The teachers came out to the car and took him in. He went right to Miss Tara and waived bye to me *tear*!
(Pic stolen from Ashley Eaton! hehe) They have such a cute classroom. We went to open house and got to see everything. He and Keeks just played!

I was super excited to pick him up and hear all about his first day. I got a little note saying his had a great first day! He said he had lots of fun with his friends, got his picture made by Miss Cristy, ate his snack, and did NOT get in trouble! He goes back tomorrow for another fun day! I'm so proud of my big-little baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud and happy that Jonah likes preschool. He could've gone kicking and screeming, but not our Jonah! He is awesome, as Poppy would say. And Fisher is growing and developing so fast! He is so beautiful with his twinkly blue eyes. Nonny loves them SO MUCH!
