Friday, July 4, 2014

Fisher's 4 Month Update

Happy happy happy 1/3rd of a year birthday to my sweetheart Brubbykins!!!  Oh my heavens, I am so in love with this angel. He makes my heart full and happier than I ever thought possible. How can you love 2 baby boys each with all of your heart? Easy, I do it everyday!

Now, let's start with the checkup! Fisher Cole got a great report. He was 17# 2oz and 90th percentile in weight and length (big boy!). Dr. Bill was happy with his growth and development. He's got a lot of head control, can sit up for a short amount of time before toppling over (ha!), rolls from tummy to back, babbles and giggles, reaches and holds objects...or faces...and will smile until he melts your heart into nothingness. He sleeps from about 8-6ish. I say "ish" because he use to sleep until 7, but that time has been creeping up lately. I've read about a 4 month sleep regression, so maybe this is his version. This morning he was up and ready to eat at 4:30...yikes! We'll make it, though. He's worth it ;) He did have to get 4 shots, but did great at the time. We came home and he played and ate and took a good nap. However, when he woke up from nap...
 I noticed he was extremely fussy and just seemed like he was in pain. I looked at his legs and found that his right leg was super bright red from his hip until his knee. It was warm and firm, and he would just scream a horrible high-pitched scream if I barely touched it. I felt helpless. I couldn't put ice on it, I couldn't hold him, I couldn't do anything without hurting him even more. I called a nurse and she said Dr. Bill said it could have been a severe local reaction and just keep trying with cold compress and Tylenol. I was able to get him calm laying in our bed and he fell asleep, thank goodness. When he woke up, the redness was gone and he would actually move his legs again! He did get a fever up to 101.1, but we managed that just fine with some Tylenol.
Poor little guy. Mommy fixed him right up, though!

More updates on my sweetpea...
He is a thumb-sucker! He does like his paci, but will take him thumb just as often!

Obviously, this is not how I laid him down the night before! He squirmed around sideways. I guess he didn't like laying on the green sheet saver!

He chews on anything he can get his little chubby hands on and drools LIKE CRAZY!

He loves and I mean LOVES his mommy! Sometimes only Mommy can calm him and make him feel better or go to sleep. It's exhausting sometimes, but oh so sweet!

He's playing more and more now that he can grab his toys and hold onto them. He does better with tummy time, too. 

Hims got a new toy :) He likes to sit in his bumbo and watch Mommy cook.

Remember that 4:30 wakeup time this morning??? This was him telling me he was hungry ;)

Look what I can do! I found new toys!!!

On to the feeding topic...I decided to make up for the fact that I'm a wimpy breast feeder. I didn't make his milk, but I'm making the baby food! Derek got me a baby food steamer/puree-er (?) for Mother's Day so I am super prepared! I made some apple/cinnamon and apple/pear sauce for J, and it's really tasty! My first batch for Fisherman was squash and sweet potatoes. This picture shows about 4 weeks worth. I made it in just a couple hours (but only about 30 minutes actual working time, the rest was steaming time) and spent probably less than $5. I used 4 small squash and one large sweet potato. Can't beat that!

Our very first try with the cereal did not go over well...

But the next night was a total success! 

And the next night, he got a little upset when his cereal was all gone! 

He has now had squash twice and seemed to enjoy it! We'll try sweet potatoes in a few days.

J was playing peek-a-boo and Fisher was loving it! Such sweetness!

Next up, Fisherman's 4 month photo shoot! I have to say, this kid is beautiful! He's giving so many sweet smiles that I just can't put the camera down. Here are a few from our session :)

Today was July 4th and we had such a busy but such a fun day! That will have to be another post, though. I'm exhausted! Fisher Coley...we love the heck out of you! You just don't know. I kiss you all the time, and that will never ever stop. I hope you always know how special and important you are in my life. I love you as far as the stars!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad he got a good report from Dr. Bill! I am so thankful that our boys are healthy and growing big and strong. That is not something to take for granted. I love this baby boy so much and just adore his gorgeous blue eyes! Hum, I wonder where he got those eyes ;)
