Monday, April 6, 2015

Hoppy Easter!

We had such a wonderful Easter! I love trying to make things fun for our boys, and I love even more seeing them happy and enjoying themselves! We started off with some projects...

J painted his eggs and Fisher just painted a big mess! I was able to turn it into a nice little project, though. J painted his cross and paper eggs a while back. I love how you can see his little hand prints!

Next up was J's Easter party at school! 

They do the cutest projects there, too. I'm such a sucker for anything painted, colored, or glued by my baby :)

They all kept yelling "FOUND ONE, FOUND ONE, FOUND ONE!" So stinkin cute!

J's sweet teachers Mrs. Tara and Mrs. Cristy. We will miss them next year! 

Mrs, Cristy, Mary Claire, Eli, Summit, J, Baylee, Kiki, and Mrs. Tara!

Then it was Easter Sunday! I love the tradition of baskets on the front porch. Derek said they did it this way as kids, and we started it last year. J doesn't like the idea of a creature coming in his house anyways, so this just works out best ;)

And just how cute are those tippy toes peaking out at their prizes???

It's space Jonah!

He just LOVED that his picture was all through the book!

I found Farmer Brubby!

This was the best one I could get. J just wanted to eat his candy, and Fisher wasn't feeling great. He came down with what we think is a fever virus the day before Easter. It's now 2 days later, and that fever just won't quit :( 

My sweet family! Good grief I adore them!

Fisherman had to go into big church with Mommy and Daddy since he had a fever. He did pretty good! We slipped out a little early when he got restless, but I was impressed with him!

After church, we had lunch at Jim n Nicks then went home for our own little Easter egg hunt (well make that like 5 hunts...J wanted to keep re-hiding and re-finding!). 

How precious are my boys?! Just perfect, I think ;)

Our Easter was nice, just being together and making memories with the kiddos. But, I never want to lose sight of the true meaning. We tried to explain it to J, and he kinda got it. Maybe...I hope. Now that I'm a mom, I can't imagine giving up one of my boys for any reason whatsoever. The fact that God gave his son for the sins of the whole world is mind blowing to me. I can't wrap my head around it. It truly took me becoming a mom to even get a glimpse of that kind of love. 
*Happy Easter*