We had a great room overlooking river street. A huge barge was coming by right when we got there. He loved watching the big boat go by! |
Did we remember everything?!?! |
We wanted to go on a family vacation somewhere new. We decided a couple months back to go to Savannah! I've always wanted to see the historic district and walk down River Street. We were going to stay 3 nights and just enjoy a little family time together. Well...that went horribly awry. We left on Saturday and noticed that morning and on the drive that Jonah B was coughing a lot. I didn't think much about it, because he had a really snotty nose. I thought it was just from drainage, no big deal. He did great on the drive, and we had a lot of fun walking around Savannah that evening.
He tried so hard to get into the big tub! |
Still trying...the kid loves water! |
Just wanted to hold dada's hand. My sweet angel boy :) |
Eating at Spanky's. It was a cute family restaurant. Jonah ate some of my chicken and green peppers from my wrap. |
Sweet little side kiss...I'll take it!!!
Our room at the Holiday Inn Express. Derek refused to stay in any of the bed and breakfast places. He didn't want to stay anywhere "haunted"...haha!
Well, so far, this sounds like your average vacation. See the sites, eat some good food, and take advantage of the pretty photo opps. This is where our story turns. That night we went to bed around 10:00 and were woken up around 2:00 am by none other that Jonah B. He was up for the next 3 hours coughing. Anytime we laid him down, or made any movement at all, he would cough, and cough, and cough, and cough. He was miserable. We were, too! He wanted to sleep, but he just couldn't. We tried everything from another bottle, to sleeping sitting up while holding him, and Derek even walked with him around the hotel lobby for a while. He finally went to sleep for a couple of hours and then was up again. We were so frustrated and sleep deprived, we decided to find a walk-in clinic, just to be sure everything was ok. We found a 24/7 clinic in the historic district, only 1/2 mile away. Ok, perfect, let's go! We call and actually get the on-call doctor who tells us to be there at 9. We get there and go inside to a tiny waiting room with 2 ladies at the front desk. They tell us up front (although it would have been nice to know over the phone earlier) that they don't take any insurance. We would have to pay upfront and file with insurance later. Ok fine, we say. He needs to be checked. I casually told Derek we would have to pay for any labs, since I wanted him checked for mycoplasma. They then tell us that they do not have the capability to perform any labs or xrays. REALLY? So you look at your patients, give them medicine, and send them on their way. How about knowing for sure what you're treating? I guess that's asking too much. She tells me that no one in the area has that capability and if we wanted tests done, we would have to take him to the nearest hospital. No, thank you. We walked right out of that sketch zone. Google found the next closest place. Guess what...they were a normal walk-in clinic! We headed that way. After about 2 1/2 hours and 3 xray attempts, we find out he has a bilateral ear infection, but no pneumonia. Could have been worse! Ear infection seriously was the last thing on my mind. I never thought that was the culprit. We got antibiotics and went on our way.

Playing in the urgent care waiting room
Poor baby getting his xray. He SCREAMED! I think people back home in Gdale could hear him!
After all the drama overnight, the stress at the doctor's office, and the nasty rainy weather...we were done. We got a refund for the remaining nights at the hotel and hit the road. I was sad that I didn't get to see all that I wanted to see, but it was best for Squish. We didn't want to have another bad night in the hotel that made everybody miserable. And of course, Jonah has been a perfect angel since we got home. He is just not a good traveler, I guess! No more vacations out of a 2 hour radius for Jonah B anytime soon!
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