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My very favorite face that he makes. I love that little grin! |
He loves to be outside, no matter what he is doing. We've also discovered that he just likes to people watch. He takes it all in. He gets such good reports from school, too. They say he is such an easy baby and never causes any trouble. He eats like a little piggy and takes good naps. One day a storm came through and the power went out. They told us Jonah was the only one that didn't get upset. He just looked around at the other crying babies. He's our brave little toaster!
He wears mostly size 12 mo clothes (although he has been known to throw on 18 mo here and there) and size 4 diapers. He eats table food for the most part now. He has had all kinds of food and loves it all. The only thing that he doesn't really care for is mandarin oranges. I have no idea what it is about them that he doesn't like. He moved up to the big boy tub, finally. I kept trying to keep him cooped up on the baby tub, but he wasn't having it. It's really cute to watch him crawl around in the big tub, though!
He has started to share his food. Sometimes he will fake you out.
He will act like he's giving you a bite, then eat it himself and just smile!
He knows he's being silly!
Pardon this weird pic, but we were excited about his new teeth.
He now has 4 on the top and still those same 2 beaver teeth on the bottom.
It's so cute to hear him crunch Cheerios in his front teeth. It's not cute, however, to hear him
grinding his teeth...hate that sound!
Cool dude loving the great outdoors. That bumbo it getting a little
tight, but we can still squish those chubby little legs in there!
He loves his dada so much! They will wrestle and laugh and just
play so cute together. My boys :)
Jonah gives kisses! And let me say...they are THE sweetest kisses
in the whole wide world! Sometimes they are a little sloppy,
but that's just Squish sharing his sugar :)
Also, poppy taught him how to give fives. We like teaching him new tricks.
Big boy's first kid's meal...Chik fil a grilled nuggets and side of fruit.
Notice the mandarin oranges are untouched, haha!
Naked hiney in the big boy tub!
He loves playing in the tub
He has formed quite the attachment to his Gaffy.
I bought this paci thing for him before he was born. He never
cared for the paci, but in the past couple of months, he has really been loving
carrying this thing around. He will take him to bed and wake up holding him. It's just precious!
He still sleeps really good. As long as he's not sick (then he turns
into a little night terror!). He usually sleeps around 10 hours a night.
Sometimes he won't even wake up when it's time for school!
Love my little family so very much :)
Nonny loves your little family so much too!! Jonah is my favorite : )