Sweet sister girl is actually a little over 3 months now, but I'm playing catch-up, so let's start with our 2 month updates...
She's a spunky little thing! She smiles A LOT! She gives the sweetest smiles in the morning when she first wakes up. She's so happy to see us after a good night sleep :)
Oh, but sister can have some diva moments...
She did great at her 2 month checkup! She's a whopping 13 pounds! She's 90% for weight and 95% for height. Big healthy girl!

She slept through our lunch date with Daddy, then we finished our day with a pedicure! Oh how I love those sweet little piggies!
At around 10 weeks, we decided to move her into her big girl bed. I struggled with this. Maybe I was being overprotective. Maybe it's because I know she's our last baby and I just wanted to keep her close for a little longer. I cried myself to sleep that night, actually :(
This was her the next morning after sleeping wonderfully through the night, praise the Lord!
Ems loves to "lay out" by the pool
She's really into the touch and feel books. This is her favorite. "That's Not My Monkey"
LOVES her bath time!
And the foot/leg massage that follows :)
A few of my favorites...
Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!!
Cheerio challenge complete!
Oh! We finally took the boys to their first movie! We had been seeing commercials for Finding Dory for quite some time and the boys seemed really into it. Of course, I was on board :) Ems did good, too. She slept, ate once, then fell back to sleep. Woohoo!
Making "silly" faces :)
Airwalk fun...
Momma's still got it!
Date night plus Emmy girl to my first Baron's game!
4th of July fun!
Fisher loves her a little too much, sometimes :)
The dinosaur dance party!
Oh, my doll <3
We took some goodies and thank you notes to our police department one day. I sure wish they could've taken a tour or something, but that's ok. We showed them how to be kind and respect the police. Something that seems to be missing in this country these days.
Fisher decided to boycott his pjs in the middle of the night :)
Emmy loves books and the boys love to show them to her!
Sister, you are my angel baby!!!
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139:14
This is how I got to drink a hot cup of coffee one morning...whatever works!
Emmy's first pool day!
Ok, so that was quite a few of my favorites, ha! I take A LOT of pictures because these kiddos are just the cutest, and I want to remember every little thing they do. My babies, you make me so very proud to be your mommy :)
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