We are halfway there!!! I can't believe it. Time is just flying by, thanks to two awesome little crazy boys I know ;) We went for our 20 week scan and found out that everything is looking great and we still have a little girl! Just had to be sure :) I had zero caffeine that morning or the entire day before. However, you would've thought I had a huge coffee that morning. She was kicking and squirming like she was trying to bust out. Now I know why I have been feeling her so much! I started feeling little nudges around 17 weeks. Derek actually got to feel her for the first time at 19 weeks. She's very feisty! They said she weighs about 12 oz, and her heart rate was around 157. She's just beautiful!!!

About to stick her sweet little hand in her mouth <3
My 3 sweet babies!!!
Be still my heart...Jonah talks to his baby sister all the time. He seriously already loves her so much. He will rub my tummy and say "mommy, Emery is getting bigger!" Yes, darlin, yes she is :) In this particular pic, he was singing "Jesus loves me" to her. I CAN NOT wait to see how he acts with her. I just know he is gonna be so sweet and gentle and helpful. Brubby, on the other hand, I can see being a little jealous, ha! We are just over the moon in love with this sweet girl and can't wait to meet her!!!! We adore you Emmy Jane!!!
20 Week update....
How far along? 20 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: 10 pounds, doing good!
Sleep: A little restless, a couple potty breaks, and starting to have small leg cramps :(
Best moment this week: An all-clear anatomy scan! We have a healthy baby girl!!!
Movement: So so much. I'm pretty sure she had the hiccups a couple days ago. She is very active and loves to make herself know. A sign of things to come? Oh, boy!
Symptoms: Not too bad right now. Occasional heartburn, had a couple leg cramps last night, easily fatigued
Food cravings: This really varies daily. I guess I enjoy sweet things more now than in the beginning. I just savor anything sweet :) Oh, and milk...lots of milk!
Food aversions: not really
Gender: GIRL
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? half/half
What I miss: probably the energy thing again!
What I am looking forward to: continuing to feel this sweet baby move and grow!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't eat a super big meal! It just feels awful!
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