*Loves books, mainly ones with trucks or animals

*Separation anxiety, for sure
*Knows 11ish animal sounds and can point out most animals and other objects in books
*Says momma/mommy, dada/daddy, nonna (nonny), dog, bye, night night, no no, more, down, uh-oh, boo, hi, whoa, and probably more. That's all I can think of :)
*Knows and points to hair, head, ears, nose, eyes, mouth, tummy, belly button, fingers, knee, and feet.
*He's very observant. He seems to just watch and take things in.
*Loves to be outside. He's an adventurous little climber!
*Does NOT like mommy to sing to him...sad :( But he does like music
*Naps twice a day, most days
*In size 18-24 month clothes, size 4-5 shoes, and size 4 diapers
We often say that Fisher has so much love to give. He has such big love! He is wild, fun, giggly, adventurous, opinionated, smart, loving, and just plain adorable! Baby man, I love you when you are running around squealing and trying to keep up with your big brother. I love you when you are wrestling with your daddy. I love you when you have thrown yourself in the floor for the 10th time in a day because something did not go your way. I love you when you climb up in my lap just to snuggle, or come over to me just to give sweet kisses. I love you when you look at me proudly after building a tall tower out of legos. I love you when you do crazy little dances (especially naked boy dances!). I love you when you go to "apologize" for hitting and gently rub the spot where you hit. I love you when you give your big brother a huge hug and kiss before bed. I love you when you get so excited to see everyone when you wake up in the morning. I love your smile, your chin dimple, your baby blues, and your heart. I pray for you. I pray you will know and follow Jesus. I pray you will be a leader. I pray you will be a bold and proud Christian. I love you from the depths of my heart. You will always be my sweet Brubby boy :)
Oh my goodness, how many times can I say 'I love these boys'? It may be redundant but I LOVE THESE BOYS! They truly make my heart smile and although they may wear me out sometimes, I cannot imagine a life without them or without being able to see them every few days. And when I'm not with them I think about them all the time. I could never have imagined such cute, sweet and smart children. They are so different in looks and sometimes actions, but they love each other and are such good buddies it makes my heart ache with happiness. So proud of momma and daddy for providing such a loving, stable, fun, but most importantly, a christian home for these kids to grow up in. That is priceless and they will have the best memories all of their lives. Love you all!