He has the sweetest smile but is really into running from the camera these days. He is obsessed with all things Cars and also loves Mickey (still!), Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Toy Story, and Planes. He's all boy with his toy cars and blocks, but he's been known to belt out "Let It Go" from Frozen many times.
He has the sweetest heart towards his brother. He's not crazy about Brubby playing with his cars or puzzle pieces, but he watches out for him and loves for Brubby to "run chase". He loves wrestling with Daddy and also cuddling up with Daddy in the bed watching videos on his "I-poddy" hehe!

Speaking of potty...he's doing pretty good. He still has some accidents, but he's really getting better and better. He will poop in the potty every time, but he gets a little distracted at times and ends up with his undies a little wet. He has done great from the start in his big boy bed! We read books in his room every night, say our prayer, and hug/kiss goodnight about 10 times. In the morning, he yells "Mommy, I ready get up...suns out!" Or "sunshine coming through my window!" He has recently started this thing about being scared :( It's really sad, actually. He talks about snakes, monsters, alligators, and wants us to turn the lights on before he walks in a room. I don't know how these things just happen. He doesn't watch scary things, and we don't talk about scary things. We're working on this, but I think it's pretty normal.
He loves to play outside and just be a boy. He loves going to school and play with his friends (Mary Claire, Kiki, Summit, Eli and Bailey...and Yadom!). Also does great in Sunday school, especially when they meet him at the door with those awesome saltines. He can count to 15, say his ABCs, spell his name, knows all his colors, shapes, animals/sounds, and knows his right from left. He's my angel, my sweet sweet, my baby boy. He stole my heart before I even met him. I thank God literally every night for his health and happiness. I love you Joni B!!!
Oh gosh, so many things to say about Jonah. He has stolen all of our hearts. Poppy says he's awesome, and I miss him so much when I am away. I look at those gorgeous chocolate eyes and that precious crinkly nosed smile in pictures when I'm at home and I iinstantly want to be with him. I love watching him, listening to him, talking to him. He keeps us entertained for sure! I could not love this precious gift more!!