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My spread :) |
I am beyond thankful for this child. He seriously makes my life better and makes me a better person. He keep me laughing at the crazy things he says and does. He also amazes me at what he learns and how quickly he catches on. He's just so very smart, I can't say that enough. I love him to bitty pieces and absolutely cannot imagine my life without this angel in it. Thank you God for the biggest blessing in my life! Also thankful for his daddy, of course :) Without him, I would not have Jonah. Without him, Jonah would not have the coolest daddy in the world. I love to watch them play and wrestle. Jonah gets so excited when he sees his daddy and will go grab something to start "yaa-yaa" hitting him with (his version of hi-yah). Derek is such a provider and I'm so thankful that he works so hard so that I can stay home with Jonah. I seriously do not thank him enough for that.
My boy had to have a handful of sticks the whole time. What else is new?
Peek a boo...I see you!
I think sometimes I take for granted how lucky I am. I think about the people who, for whatever reason, were not able to get together with family and eat until the point of exhaustion and sickness. We are truly blessed and I make a point to THANK God everyday, not just ask him for something. I really don't need anything else. Although, I do continue to pray for my baby turkey still baking. Fisher, mommy is so thankful for you as well. Things are going great, so far. I just hope we can stay that way! Oh, I'm 26 weeks now so here's a quick update!!!
Total weight gain/loss: 21 even after Thanksgiving!
Sleep: Decent, but I keep wanting to sleep on my back sooo bad! Can't do it though, so I have to prop a pillow behind me so I can't sneakishly do it in my sleep ;)
Best moment this week: Mom feeling him kick! He's quite the kung fu master.
Movement: Oh yes. It has started to feel more like little jabs instead of just quivers like before.
Symptoms: Not much. I actually thought this morning how my heartburn has gotten so much better. Just tired a lot, nothing new.
Food cravings: I guess still on the sweet side. Sometimes I just have to have a sweet treat!
Belly Button in or out? Half in/half out but pushing more and more out there.
What I miss: Again...caffeine...and sleeping on my back!
What I am looking forward to: 4D ultrasound...2 weeks and counting!
You did such a great job with Thanksgiving dinner, I'm very proud of you. it's a lot of hard work but I also think it's very rewarding. I enjoyed spending the day with the most special people in my life. Jonah is an absolute doll and I think I love him more and more each day, if that's even possible! I can't wait for there to be two angels to love on, but for a little while longer Jonah gets it all! Thanks for all you and Derek did to make the day such a success! Now on to Christmas.!